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May 24, 2020
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So I have been running this tank for around 2 weeks now (with fish) four weeks without. 2 weeks after I added the fish I noticed this lighter purple algae (I think it's cyano). It would be great to have an ID on this algae/bacteria (aswell as a few other potential pests). I found it odd as this is a brand new tank though and I am aware of the diatoms on the rock. BTW this is my first fish tank.

The tank is a 10 gallon IM Nano. I run my light 8 hours a day though I have reduced it one hour due to the algae. My salinity is 1.25, 0.25 ppm ammonia, no Nitrites, little to no Nitrates and 7.8 ph. I cycled the tank using live rock for two weeks with no water changes (I know that's not long enough) though I was instructed to do so by my local fish store. I am also using de-chlorinated tap water and I know I should be using RODI water. I have also done a 20% water change each week. I have stocked the tank with a ocelaris clownfish aswell as a bi-color dottyback and when I stoked the tank I used Seachem new tank stabilization system. I change the filter every week and use Chemipure blue in the filter sock. Also on that note I was wondering how often to replace the Chemipure blue nano packets. No clean up crew yet but it's in the plans. I just forgot to add that I feed the tank once a day a little bit of misis shrimp i think is what it's called. I have a power head in the tank as well, lots of flow.

I have also have attached a few other species that I have found in the tank I thought one of them was Aptasia but i am unsure. It would be great If I could have an ID on these species.

I'm trying my best and would appreciate some help with my new tank! and I am new to Reef2reed so I may have set this up incorrectly.

Image 1. Aptasia maybe?
Image 2. Red hair like algae?
Image 3. flower like thing coming out of a tube
Image 4. Lighter purple algae
Image 5. Again lighter purple algae

Aptasia Possibly.jpg Red stringy algae.jpg This is a flower kind of thing that comes out of a tube.jpg Cyano possibly on sandbed.jpg More cyano on the sand though it is much lighter then the cyano I have seen.jpg


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Jun 3, 2017
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Grove City, Ohio
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picture one is colonial hydroids. I'd suggest carefully breaking them off and suctioning out the bits.
picture two is probably cyanobacteria
picture three appears to be a small feather duster of some sort - good guy
pictures four and five are diatoms/cyanobacteria.

All except #3 are just part of the "New Tank Uglies" and will pretty much resolve on their own.

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8%
Biota Marine Life