Help to diagnose please!


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Mar 27, 2020
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I can't figure out what is wrong with my clowns.
Had them for 3 months. Only fish in the tank. Added some CUC and corals over the last 2 months. All corals QT'd and dipped multiple times, CUC wasn't QT'd. A pair of clowns was tank bred at the local LFS. I did notice female had white stringy poop as soon as I got her but was told by LFS no way they could have any parasite as they're bred in a closed system tank and all are healthy. Was told white stringy poop could be due to feeding Mysis shrimp. Switched foods and issue seemed resolved. So I didn't treat them. Everyone was doing great until 9 days ago. Clowns rapidly deteriorated within 2-3 days: stopped eating, was hanging in one spot near bottom, clamped fins and rapid breathing. Nothing external - didn't see any Ich, Velvet or Brooklynella signs. I moved them to a separate tank and decided to treat with General Cure. They improved drastically within 24 hours and by 48 hours were back to normal- eating, swimming, acting normal. Female's poop still was partially white so I treated with 3 doses to make sure. They were symptoms free for over a week. Tested main tank parameters, stable as always, salinity, temp-everything within normal. Did extra water change, replaced carbon just in case. Put them back in- did great in the evening but by the morning back to being sick with all same symptoms. I'm lost. Obviously something in that tank that makes them sick, but a decline overnight? No parasite should cause symptoms in the matter of hours. If it is some sort of toxicity then General Cure wouldn't work for that. I do have a grounding probe, can't be voltage. Inverts and corals seem fine. What am I missing? What else can it be? Please help! TIA.


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Hows the gas exchange in the tank? Do you run a protein skimmer or have a lot of water agitation on the surface of the display? That is the first thing I think of when they look like this.


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Mar 27, 2020
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It is small 20 gallon, I have HOB filter and a power head on the opposite end pointed to the top so it creates bunch of air bubbles where flows meet. It has been the same set up, wouldn't oxygen deficiency manifest sooner than 3 months? Also there's white poop and fast recovery with General Cure? I did wonder about it just due to rapid breathing they developed before but the rest of symptoms and recovery don't add up. I also added an air stone to see if it makes any difference and didn't notice any. I will look into buying a test kit to check the levels though just to be sure. Thanks!
Nutramar Foods

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

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A Reef Creation