Help I've got Black bugs on my montis


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Jan 24, 2016
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So to make a long story short a couple of my digis were not doing too good. I didn't think much of it and I ended giving them to a fellow reefer. These digi have not done good for me for like the past month or 2. Everything else is fine. He got back and said I had black bugs??

So I immediately checked my corals. I then come to see a bunch of my monti's have these little tiny specs on them on the flesh and underneath the coral frag. I dipped a dying frag of forest fire digi in viral rx and all sorts of little tiny black specs barely visible to the eye started to come up. I was swimming around obviously annoyed by the dip.

So at this point I've got an infestation in my tank! I'm a little unsure about what to do. I've been reading and it sounds like there are different types of black bugs that seem to come from Australia. Some are larger and can kill sos over night and some are like the acro red bugs that can very slowly inhibit growth coloration and health.

I think I have the very small slow killing type. Now as to kill them I've read some people have gone to extreme lengths basically shutting down there tank and killing most of their coral from extreme dipping and stress. I don't want to go that route but I do want to kill these things for good. I think the ones that caused the most trouble were a different type and they were larger and slug like..the type I have are very small and when I dipped a coral it moved like a copepod.

Option 1 for treatment

So at this point I'm thinking that my type of black bug can be treated like red bugs at least from what I've read. I'm not exactly sure what type I have or what works best. I'm just speculating. The way Ive seen it being treated is with dosing the whole tank with interceptor which I guess can be bought from a vet? or Dr Gs SPS and LPS dip solution. It supposed to be dosed to the display tank. I know this will kill my inverts but that's the trade off.

Option 2

Remove every Infected coral and dip with Bayer and lugols iodine. Probably 1x to 2x a week with a little extra strength. The issue with this is that I have a bunch of SPS digi and a large colony of acro which seems to be the only acro affected. I'm thinking it's Worth removing each of the corals and dipping as the initial option and then if that doesn't work start dosing Dr Gs as maybe it will work with removing each one and doing it individually without killing all my inverts and disturbing my whole tank. Idk. I have a feeling this process will take a awhile but I've got to do something

Plz if you have any suggestions or input please feel free to help. I think I've had this issue for awhile for the digis as I noticed them dying back a month or two ago and it does not seem to be that bad for most of my monti's but maybe they just recently spread... Idk


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Here is a couple videos of them. You can see they are very small and kinda move like tiger pods I just dipped this forest fire digi in coral rx and they all started coming off. Side note. I guess I found out why my forest fire digis weren't doing good IMG_20240626_195332.jpg


  • VID_20240626_195314.mp4
    8.1 MB
  • VID_20240626_195249.mp4
    3.4 MB


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If indeed coral eating black bugs, it's no bueno.
