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Oct 25, 2021
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Hi all im need to reefing and have limited knowledge and know chemistry and water parameters work but i get the gist of it.

background: information about my tank.
Tank Size: 45 Gallon (running for 9 months)
Salt mix tropic marine pro reef salt (weekly 12% water change @ 1.025 salinity)
my tank is some Soft and LPS corals

I have check all my parameters on a weekly basis and have been stable at the following figures
Nitrate - 3ppm
phosphate 0.03-0.07ppm (Hanna checker)
PH - 8.1 - 8.2 (API test kit)
Alk- 8.1dkh (Hanna checker)
Cal- 425 (red sea)
Mg- 1350 (aquafrost)
Salinity - 1.025

Also wanted to add i test a new salt mix TM pro reef salt with the following results (cal- 425 Alk - 8.0 and mag - 1350 salinity 1.025)
Daily alk consumption is 0.3 dkh so only dosing 5 ml a week of foundation B to maintain at 8 dkh using kamoer doser.

The target Alkalinity I want to reach is 9.0 dkh the calcium level I have currently I am happy with as long as its between 400-450 ppm.

From what i have learnt form other forums is if i increase my alk this will reduce my calcium vice versa so most are using 2 part but very little information on red sea foundation liquid during my search on the internet what I would like to know is how can I increase my alk by 1 dkh while maintaining the calcium at current level? while keeping a good balanced dosing.

if i need to dose both to keep them balance how much of each would you suggest as both of these have different level of concentration. or would it still be equal amounts of both elements.

I have provided the link below of the product information.

I hope this all makes sense any help of advice would be much appreciated.


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Oct 25, 2021
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It looks like you want to add ~20ml of Foundation B to increase your alkalinity to ~ 9.0 dKH, and then whatever you normally use to maintain it at that level.
Thank you for the response but once i add foundation B and get my levels up to 9.0 dkh will this reduce my calcium level from 425 ppm ?
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