Hello thanks for having me I loved goldfish since I was a kid and always had a little tank or goldfish bowl as long as I could remember I remember in high school my fish Roxy she was my goldfish have passed away after 8 years so I missed school for 3 days because I was so upset. I learned my true calling in life when I was 33 and a friend at a party told me to call some goldfish up to the surface of this pond and so me and my friend were calling out loud not knowing that it meant tapping on the water and then I learned how much I wanted to build ponds so for several years probably 10 years I had my own pond business where I built outdoor ponds and did maintenance water plants and I'm Stone Mason. 17 years ago, I slowed down to have my son, so I just do small projects now, and landscape and garden design and maintainance. Nothing now like I used to build. I've seen many of sad goldfish problems and diseases in my time, but I have to say, on one of my two 9 year old comit goldfish I'm baffled, wondering if anyone could shed some light on what might be wrong with one of them, as he has a lump (has always had a lump since he was little thought a tumor and it would eventually kill him and nothing I could do) but that's obviously not the case,bump has grown very large i last few months. bump about the size of a pea with a black thing under it. Thanks