Hello. I’m new to reefing and have had a tank set up for about a week and a half. 80 gallon acrylic with aio sump that I have restored from many scratches to be crystal clear. I then added 40 pounds of live Bahama Ollite. I bought 2 Ocellaris clownfish and one beautiful Maroon. They have all been getting along wonderfully as rare as that is and I’m very thankful for that. They even sleep together lol. I was in petco and noticed a clownfish hosting an anemone. I asked about it and the sales associate said he would give me the live rock for free. So I got a wonderful green bubble tip. Thing is the anemone seems very happy but my maroon has been trying to host it for a couple hours now and the GBT is hiding. Trying currently to google this but keeps giving me information on how to get a clown to host not the other way around. Just curious if anyone else has ran into this before? I guess it will sort itself out and I should be lucky to have a clownfish trying to host so quickly