Hello and hopefully not goodbye!


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I started in this hobby over a year and a half ago and this site along with many others have helped me navigate the reef tank world for all this time with major success and the occasional incident. Finally, I made an account days ago and was going to post a fun thread introducing myself with pics of my tank and its inhabitants and was waiting for a day off so I could share my journey. I have had this tank for 1 and half years and it has been one of the greatest joys of my life. I am a photojournalist who scubas and does underwater visuals and this felt like a natural step to take. Born and raised in Florida and am an Eagle Scout so nature has been a fixture in my life forever. A reef tank sounded like the ultimate homage. That said, it unfortunately is no longer possible. I come to you now on the verge of tears. Starting on Tuesday morning (October 22, 2024) I noticed a bit of what appeared like transparent stringy mucus, the water was murky and a large water change did nothing. I did some research and have pretty confidently identified it as white slime(some bacteria). It also is emFrom reading up on this bacteria bloom there seems like Im screwed with no real solutions anywhere. Its only been two days but I don't see how this is tenable. The water changes do nothing, my nano skimmer is constantly clogged and the sock filter lasts maybe a few hours before needing a cleaning. Im manually taking out the slime with a pipette but it comes back in hours. It is on all my coral and rock work. Unlike regular nuisance algae it isn't stopping polyps on my gorgonians from coming out, other corals are out and the fish seem fine. I feel terrible for them, though. I inserted an airstone for fear of low oxygen since I saw them gasping for a second. From reading around I think carbon is the source but idont dose carbon. After thinking on it I realized I did spill some waste from the skimmer into the tank accidentally while cleaning on Monday(its full of carbon im reading). Prior to this I had Dinos and diatoms. For this reason I was just trying to keep nutriments low and was feeding live tigger pods. Then I had a major ALK swing. Did I bottom out and give the bacteria room to grow? At this point I was toward the end of a Diatom bloom and was running g it pretty clean. Im going to post pictures of the tank currently and spin test results going a few weeks back. Last few days had a very low PH and brining it back up slowly with BALANCE. Salinity has been pretty constant at 25. I should mention about two weeks ago I added a mangrove propagule which didn't seem to have any effect. Then on Monday night (right before bacterial bloom) I added some corals and live rock from a friend who owns an established tank of over 15 years. I was whining about the Dinos and diatoms and Ill take them back right now. This is so depressing.

My setup:
15 gallon water box (more like 12g with rocks)
Ai 16 HD light (97par max to 24 inches I believe)
pair of clowns, canary wrasse, and a yahoo goby/ pistol shrimp pair
mostly LPS and a few SPS
nano skimmer
I dose All For Reef roughly 6ml through out the day but cut that out over the last week thanks to the ALK swing

For the pictures im also going to post a link to a wetransfer file because im afraid the photos won't show. sorry I know this is another step but I implore you to take a look and give me some advice pr at least some words of encouragement. I never thought Id be on this end of the threads. I don't wanna be dramatic but this is a blow.
The pics show spin tests results going back to OCT 7 and then some pics of the bloom.

wetransfer link for photos: https://wetransfer.com/downloads/387388cb003563c560642fdf5e25ce5420241023150810/cde6b73d7ecfe6aea57560221ff45d3820241023150846/2766b6?t_exp=1729955290&t_lsid=6a0dd271-9b0a-4a84-b12d-d4423422e50a&t_network=email&t_s=download_link&t_ts=1729696126 (good for two days) reach out to me if expired, Ill resend.

Best Regards,
Danny Varela

OCt 22 during day (fist day of bloom).jpg OCT 22 morning test.jpg close up of 'stuff%222.jpg close up of 'stuff%22.jpg OCT 23 second day of bloom (current).jpg current.jpg curent 2.jpg current 3.jpg current 4.jpg OCT 19 test.jpg OCt 16 test.jpg OCT 14 test.jpg OCT 10 test.jpg OCT 9 test.jpg OCtT8 test.jpg OCT 7 test.jpg OCT 22 afternoon test after big water change.jpg


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Welcome to your new home for saltwater reef aquarium resources and fun! Welcome to the family! :D


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I started in this hobby over a year and a half ago and this site along with many others have helped me navigate the reef tank world for all this time with major success and the occasional incident. Finally, I made an account days ago and was going to post a fun thread introducing myself with pics of my tank and its inhabitants and was waiting for a day off so I could share my journey. I have had this tank for 1 and half years and it has been one of the greatest joys of my life. I am a photojournalist who scubas and does underwater visuals and this felt like a natural step to take. Born and raised in Florida and am an Eagle Scout so nature has been a fixture in my life forever. A reef tank sounded like the ultimate homage. That said, it unfortunately is no longer possible. I come to you now on the verge of tears. Starting on Tuesday morning (October 22, 2024) I noticed a bit of what appeared like transparent stringy mucus, the water was murky and a large water change did nothing. I did some research and have pretty confidently identified it as white slime(some bacteria). It also is emFrom reading up on this bacteria bloom there seems like Im screwed with no real solutions anywhere. Its only been two days but I don't see how this is tenable. The water changes do nothing, my nano skimmer is constantly clogged and the sock filter lasts maybe a few hours before needing a cleaning. Im manually taking out the slime with a pipette but it comes back in hours. It is on all my coral and rock work. Unlike regular nuisance algae it isn't stopping polyps on my gorgonians from coming out, other corals are out and the fish seem fine. I feel terrible for them, though. I inserted an airstone for fear of low oxygen since I saw them gasping for a second. From reading around I think carbon is the source but idont dose carbon. After thinking on it I realized I did spill some waste from the skimmer into the tank accidentally while cleaning on Monday(its full of carbon im reading). Prior to this I had Dinos and diatoms. For this reason I was just trying to keep nutriments low and was feeding live tigger pods. Then I had a major ALK swing. Did I bottom out and give the bacteria room to grow? At this point I was toward the end of a Diatom bloom and was running g it pretty clean. Im going to post pictures of the tank currently and spin test results going a few weeks back. Last few days had a very low PH and brining it back up slowly with BALANCE. Salinity has been pretty constant at 25. I should mention about two weeks ago I added a mangrove propagule which didn't seem to have any effect. Then on Monday night (right before bacterial bloom) I added some corals and live rock from a friend who owns an established tank of over 15 years. I was whining about the Dinos and diatoms and Ill take them back right now. This is so depressing.

My setup:
15 gallon water box (more like 12g with rocks)
Ai 16 HD light (97par max to 24 inches I believe)
pair of clowns, canary wrasse, and a yahoo goby/ pistol shrimp pair
mostly LPS and a few SPS
nano skimmer
I dose All For Reef roughly 6ml through out the day but cut that out over the last week thanks to the ALK swing

For the pictures im also going to post a link to a wetransfer file because im afraid the photos won't show. sorry I know this is another step but I implore you to take a look and give me some advice pr at least some words of encouragement. I never thought Id be on this end of the threads. I don't wanna be dramatic but this is a blow.
The pics show spin tests results going back to OCT 7 and then some pics of the bloom.

wetransfer link for photos: https://wetransfer.com/downloads/387388cb003563c560642fdf5e25ce5420241023150810/cde6b73d7ecfe6aea57560221ff45d3820241023150846/2766b6?t_exp=1729955290&t_lsid=6a0dd271-9b0a-4a84-b12d-d4423422e50a&t_network=email&t_s=download_link&t_ts=1729696126 (good for two days) reach out to me if expired, Ill resend.

Best Regards,
Danny Varela

OCt 22 during day (fist day of bloom).jpg OCT 22 morning test.jpg close up of 'stuff%222.jpg close up of 'stuff%22.jpg OCT 23 second day of bloom (current).jpg current.jpg curent 2.jpg current 3.jpg current 4.jpg OCT 19 test.jpg OCt 16 test.jpg OCT 14 test.jpg OCT 10 test.jpg OCT 9 test.jpg OCtT8 test.jpg OCT 7 test.jpg OCT 22 afternoon test after big water change.jpg
This is a test I have little regard for and while it could be correct, I encourage you to take a water sample to a store that does Not use API tests and see what readings they come up with for comparison and confirmation of numbers


The Dude Abides
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Greetings and Welcome! I am impressed with your Eagle Scout accomlishment. That's some hard work. My best friend was an Eagle Scout. I, myself, got to Tenderfoot, lol! I was there just to have fun and cause trouble! I kind of missed the point of Scouting! But I DID have a blast! Back in the early 90s I was hiring for a pharmacy tech. It was a tie between two applicants. I chose the applicant with the Eagle Scout. So, for him, that accomplishment followed him professionally. He was a GREAT hire!


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This is a test I have little regard for and while it could be correct, I encourage you to take a water sample to a store that does Not use API tests and see what readings they come up with for comparison and confirmation of numbers
Hey I will surely take your advice and check my numbers. hope you're wrong lol I've been basing all of my dosing off these spin test/: really appreciate the response!


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Greetings and Welcome! I am impressed with your Eagle Scout accomlishment. That's some hard work. My best friend was an Eagle Scout. I, myself, got to Tenderfoot, lol! I was there just to have fun and cause trouble! I kind of missed the point of Scouting! But I DID have a blast! Back in the early 90s I was hiring for a pharmacy tech. It was a tie between two applicants. I chose the applicant with the Eagle Scout. So, for him, that accomplishment followed him professionally. He was a GREAT hire!
Hey! Thank you! my project was the reclamation of some mangrove areas in Virginia Key ( a spot on the better known Key Biscayne) Great memories of scouting and I have to give all the praise to my father who kept me in line and on track. I spent a lot of time bemoaning the weekend campouts but know now the value of the time spent In scouting. Thanks for the response!


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Welcome to R2R! I would agree to get a second opinion on your water tests. Any time you have an issue that isn't resolving, it is good to go back and double check that the information you are relying on is accurate. Are you sure your issue is bacterial? The color looks a little off for a bacterial event, although that could just be the lighting. It kind of looks to me more like coral mucus or even a 'spawning event'. A Waterbox 15 is pretty easily fouled. I had one large and overly energetic male Trochus make my Waterbox 15 more murky than your tank is. I would double-check all of your corals to be sure one of them is not sloughing. I would also consider a 5 or 6 gallon water change just in case. Good luck.



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Welcome to R2R! I would agree to get a second opinion on your water tests. Any time you have an issue that isn't resolving, it is good to go back and double check that the information you are relying on is accurate. Are you sure your issue is bacterial? The color looks a little off for a bacterial event, although that could just be the lighting. It kind of looks to me more like coral mucus or even a 'spawning event'. A Waterbox 15 is pretty easily fouled. I had one large and overly energetic male Trochus make my Waterbox 15 more murky than your tank is. I would double-check all of your corals to be sure one of them is not sloughing. I would also consider a 5 or 6 gallon water change just in case. Good luck.

Hey there! Thanks for the welcome! I do believe it to be a bacterial bloom based off the amount and water quality. All parameters seem pretty decent ( will check again with different source) and I don't think I have anything in here that would spawn liken that as I've had pretty much all the same corals for over a year and nothing like this has occurred. I have seen my corals mucus before after stressful events like a water change or accidental bump but this is just out of control. As for water changes I think the last one made things worse. Gonna test and just keep manually removing the mucus slime stuff. Thank you for your encouragement and advice!