Hello everyone. Having just discovered this website and community. I hope it is as useful as it seems. Lots of reading up on new topics and new science.
I have been out of the industry for several years, but have plenty of years keeping reefs from various sizes up through several hundred gallons. Now I find myself with a new challenge! After inheriting a 3.7 Gal Imiganarium? from the manager at my local dive shop, its on the workbench, and running away.
A few pieces of "live" rock, and a bi-color blenny who has the whole shop trained to feed him - definitely a dramatic fish. Its been running for several months, and the algae is starting to stick.
So far everyone is happy, and I am looking forward to the challenge of keeping this water quality high, upgrading the lighting, and just maybe, in the near future, seeing if I can keep a mushroom or something alive!
Looking forward to learning more about the current state of nano/pico keeping.
I have been out of the industry for several years, but have plenty of years keeping reefs from various sizes up through several hundred gallons. Now I find myself with a new challenge! After inheriting a 3.7 Gal Imiganarium? from the manager at my local dive shop, its on the workbench, and running away.
A few pieces of "live" rock, and a bi-color blenny who has the whole shop trained to feed him - definitely a dramatic fish. Its been running for several months, and the algae is starting to stick.
So far everyone is happy, and I am looking forward to the challenge of keeping this water quality high, upgrading the lighting, and just maybe, in the near future, seeing if I can keep a mushroom or something alive!
Looking forward to learning more about the current state of nano/pico keeping.