Green Chromis showing signs of white/pink rash

Are they gone for?

  • No, and its not this disease i think it is.

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  • Keeping doing what I am doing with Rally/Kick Ick/Maracyn Oxy.

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Hi like in my title, my new green chromis are showing sign of what I have gathered is uronema. I'm currently treating the tank with Rally/Kick Ick "kick ick as I'm also quarantining/pre treating these fish". I also just started treating with Maracyn Oxy to help with the open sores, and added some prazipro. Dose anyone have any options other then bleaching, or paying for a +$100 medication that I could take to destroy it. I really don't want to lose my clowns. Below is a picture of the rash on one of my two chromis. God I wish I didn't get chromis, they drop like flies and are super disease prone from what I have gathered.
unnamed (1).jpg
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This is the typical chronic disease known as uronema which is best treated with metroplex and formalin based medication such as quick cure or ruby rally reef


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This is the typical chronic disease known as uronema which is best treated with metroplex and formalin based medication such as quick cure or ruby rally reef
Soooo will my clowns probably be fine since I’m already pretreating the tank with rally pro already? The clowns have no sign on them yet.


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Wisconsin - Florida delayed due 2 hurricane damage
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Soooo will my clowns probably be fine since I’m already pretreating the tank with rally pro already? The clowns have no sign on them yet.
They should but keep an eye on them


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They should but keep an eye on them
So just to ask is metroplex in food, and the water column typically a better treatment for this? Or is Rally Pro/Maracyn Oxy enough? Just wanna check in case it spreads to my clowns.

Also if no fish shows sign of it, and I add metro to the water column would that erraticate it from the tank? Or would a bleach cleaning be my only option? And if that’s the case will I just be endlessly bleaching tanks that I keep these fish in while I bleach the last? God this is more annoying then ick. Atleast ick we know can be treated with lack of fish for 3-4 months or copper/ich x/paraguard. This is a pain in the butt.


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Wisconsin - Florida delayed due 2 hurricane damage
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So just to ask is metroplex in food, and the water column typically a better treatment for this? Or is Rally Pro/Maracyn Oxy enough? Just wanna check in case it spreads to my clowns.

Also if no fish shows sign of it, and I add metro to the water column would that erraticate it from the tank? Or would a bleach cleaning be my only option? And if that’s the case will I just be endlessly bleaching tanks that I keep these fish in while I bleach the last? God this is more annoying then ick. Atleast ick we know can be treated with lack of fish for 3-4 months or copper/ich x/paraguard. This is a pain in the butt.
Mix metro with food

Tim McLellan

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I ran into the same problem when I tried getting a school of 3 chromises. The Uronema took them so fast I didn't even have time to consider any kind of treatment. One died within 5 hours of putting it in the tank. My LFS was good enough to give me a replacement, despite having a "no livestock guarantee" policy. That one was dead the next morning. Lost another 2 days later. By the time any of them showed signs of a sore, it was a matter of hours till they were gone.

Now the good news. First, I did have one survivor who never got it and is swimming around just fine right now, 2 months later. Second, none of my other fish ever showed any signs of it and all have also been perfectly fine so far, including my clown pair. Third, I did nothing to try to eradicate it from my tank and just moved on. Like you, my initial research had me concerned that I would have to break down the tank and basically sanitize everything. Fortunately I searched this forum and found a similar thread (sorry I don't have a link), with a post from one person who seemed to know what they were talking about and claimed that uronema is extremely common, and is in most tanks but people don't realize it. The majority of healthy fish have good enough immune systems that it generally is not a problem. Most importantly he said "DO NOT" strip down the tank to try to eradicate it. It's a complete waste of time and effort. This was the answer I was looking for. I absolutely did not want to start over with everything (who would?).

While I can't vouch for the validity of this person's claims, I do know that I followed the advice, did nothing, and have not regretted it. Since then I have lost no fish and all of them have been very healthy and vibrant, and eating well ever since that episode.


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I ran into the same problem when I tried getting a school of 3 chromises. The Uronema took them so fast I didn't even have time to consider any kind of treatment. One died within 5 hours of putting it in the tank. My LFS was good enough to give me a replacement, despite having a "no livestock guarantee" policy. That one was dead the next morning. Lost another 2 days later. By the time any of them showed signs of a sore, it was a matter of hours till they were gone.

Now the good news. First, I did have one survivor who never got it and is swimming around just fine right now, 2 months later. Second, none of my other fish ever showed any signs of it and all have also been perfectly fine so far, including my clown pair. Third, I did nothing to try to eradicate it from my tank and just moved on. Like you, my initial research had me concerned that I would have to break down the tank and basically sanitize everything. Fortunately I searched this forum and found a similar thread (sorry I don't have a link), with a post from one person who seemed to know what they were talking about and claimed that uronema is extremely common, and is in most tanks but people don't realize it. The majority of healthy fish have good enough immune systems that it generally is not a problem. Most importantly he said "DO NOT" strip down the tank to try to eradicate it. It's a complete waste of time and effort. This was the answer I was looking for. I absolutely did not want to start over with everything (who would?).

While I can't vouch for the validity of this person's claims, I do know that I followed the advice, did nothing, and have not regretted it. Since then I have lost no fish and all of them have been very healthy and vibrant, and eating well ever since that episode.
I have to agree. I lost 2 of my 4 remaining chromis to this rash over night 2 days ago and it spreads quick. No deaths so far for the last two days with the last two but the rash hasn’t reversed with the meds either. Crossing my fingers I’m like you and my clowns don’t show sign of a rash which I’m guessing they won’t as my chromis got it rapidly and the clowns still have nothing. Those dang fancy clowns are expensive. Thank god I didn’t get the orange storms I was on the fence for though. Lol.

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8%