Going from Radion G4 to Radion G5 Blue: initial impressions and issues


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So I had been thinking about going to a hybrid t5/led route with my G4s, and then I saw the announcement for G5s. After some thinking and number crunching, I ended up biting the bullet for the new G5s to replace G4s hoping that the spread of the light in the G5s will be similar to G4 with T5s.

These are some of my initial thoughts. Overall probably more negative than positive but could change down the road depending on how Ecotech handles this.

  • Amazing light spread
  • Less disco than G4 without diffusor
  • Radion BLUE....doesn't look blue? Using the AB+ template (all channels at 100%), the lights don't look anything like AB+ on radion G4s hooked up to WXM. There is way more white with a weird green tint (I know there are new green LEDs on radion blues, but I thought they would have blended them in better.) It looks more like metal halides than AB+. Corals have kind of that washed out color and much less pop. I don't know how I feel about the color of the lights yet. Personally, I like a bluer look on G4s, however, if this 'new' spectrum has better colors/growth long term then I'd be okay with the new color.
  • Mobius is absolute trash. It honestly does not feel like a finished product. I did not use reeflink/ecosmart live previously, so maybe its always been bad. To be frank, it is to the point of turning me off completely from buying ecotech products in the future if they don't fix this. PSA to all who don't know....you can ONLY connect to the lights through bluetooth and there is no option as of now to connect through wifi. Bluetooth is finicky, constantly crashing, and prob only works 20% of the time. If you have multiple lights, good luck trying to get them to all connect and synced at the same time. I am using a iphoneX/ipad pro to connect and both have the same issues. Mobius is also extremely laggy. Each page can take up to 15-20 seconds to load. When you adjust settings, you can't save it half the time because the app lags out and crashes. Ecotech, your hardware is only as good as your software.
  • Do NOT mount the lights on your tank until AFTER you finish setting everything up. You will thank me later. When you first boot the light up, it will go full 100% blast. After panicking and immediately hitting the power off on the lights, it went back to full blast multiple times during the configuration. When you try to adjust the lights, it will 'demo' the changes live. I kind of understand the rationale behind this, but I wish ecotech would put an option to turn this off. I much rather have the apex way of doing this where you adjust all your settings and then 'save' your settings. After saving the settings, a demo would be appropriate, but not while you are dialing in things. Between mobius screwing up and crashing every few minutes, me trying to dial in my settings, and the lights being a completely different color from G4s, I manage to royally tick off all of my corals to the point where they have not consumed any alk in a day. Hopefully after the initial nonsense of setting these lights up, the corals will bounce back.
  • Poor packaging and poor instructions. The inside of the box does not 'feel' like it is housing a $900 light. The cardboard feels thinner than lights in the past. The light inside of the box is poorly protected and I've seen other people receiving brand new xr30s with cracked lenses. Mine wasn't cracked but two of the screws in one of the lights were not screwed in and was just rolling around in the box... The instructions that come with this thing is borderline useless and between the terrible instruction manual and mobius being such a piece of crap, I really wanted to throw these lights in the trash intially. I think ecotech is trying to go the minimalist route like Apple with their packaging and instructions. IF mobius wasn't the terrible point of sale that it is, then I could understand the poor instruction manual. But the fact is mobius in its current form is terrible.
  • Light still has disco effect, especially OUTSIDE of the tank. Yes, G5s have less disco than G4s. However, they do NOT have less disco than G4s w/ diffusers. I would say the disco effect on the G5s is more of an issue outside of the tank on the walls and floors of the room than inside the tank. The disco on the inside is minimal, but still not quite where it should be at imo. I plan on buying diffusers when they become avaliable because the disco and rainbows appearing on the walls and floors outside of the tank is super annoying to me.

Overall, I do kind of regret upgrading to G5s, at least this early on. It does not feel like a finished product and definitely does not feel like an Ecotech product. I've been using Ecotech products for almost 10 years now and this is the first time where I've encountered so many issues trying to set something up. Maybe Ecotech will get it together and fix a lot of this, but regardless, this first impression has been pretty bad for me personally.

TLDR - Mobius is trash. Don't buy G5s right now unless you want to beta test them for Ecotech.


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Interesting info. Didn’t the BRS guys say something about the software not Having the correct settings and a update was required? In any case it’s somewhat normal teething pains. I expect as soon as we get over the current coved situation they will soon sort out the issues.


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Interesting info. Didn’t the BRS guys say something about the software not Having the correct settings and a update was required? In any case it’s somewhat normal teething pains. I expect as soon as we get over the current coved situation they will soon sort out the issues.

Well, I updated everything before I began setting everything up so mine is currently up to date. I read in another thread that ecotech is aware of all the bluetooth issues and they are currently working towards rolling out an update with no ETA. Yes, I will admit some of the fault lies with me for buying these lights so early. Normally I don't do this, but I've always had positive experiences with Ecotech in the past and wrongly assumed that these lights would be released in a polished state.

With all the negatives aside, the coverage of the light is really amazing. Reminds me a lot of T5s.

this is me

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I feel like Ecotech has paid vendors(Bulk Reef and others) for doing an early glowing review of their product to get everyone hyped up and buy it. In no review that I've heard about the fan noise issue, Mobius connectivity issue, or packaging issue. It's all spectacular. Now more and more people getting their real product and not satisfying with it. What good is a programmable light that you can't connect to reliably and set it up?


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So I had been thinking about going to a hybrid t5/led route with my G4s, and then I saw the announcement for G5s. After some thinking and number crunching, I ended up biting the bullet for the new G5s to replace G4s hoping that the spread of the light in the G5s will be similar to G4 with T5s.

These are some of my initial thoughts. Overall probably more negative than positive but could change down the road depending on how Ecotech handles this.

  • Amazing light spread
  • Less disco than G4 without diffusor
  • Radion BLUE....doesn't look blue? Using the AB+ template (all channels at 100%), the lights don't look anything like AB+ on radion G4s hooked up to WXM. There is way more white with a weird green tint (I know there are new green LEDs on radion blues, but I thought they would have blended them in better.) It looks more like metal halides than AB+. Corals have kind of that washed out color and much less pop. I don't know how I feel about the color of the lights yet. Personally, I like a bluer look on G4s, however, if this 'new' spectrum has better colors/growth long term then I'd be okay with the new color.
  • Mobius is absolute trash. It honestly does not feel like a finished product. I did not use reeflink/ecosmart live previously, so maybe its always been bad. To be frank, it is to the point of turning me off completely from buying ecotech products in the future if they don't fix this. PSA to all who don't know....you can ONLY connect to the lights through bluetooth and there is no option as of now to connect through wifi. Bluetooth is finicky, constantly crashing, and prob only works 20% of the time. If you have multiple lights, good luck trying to get them to all connect and synced at the same time. I am using a iphoneX/ipad pro to connect and both have the same issues. Mobius is also extremely laggy. Each page can take up to 15-20 seconds to load. When you adjust settings, you can't save it half the time because the app lags out and crashes. Ecotech, your hardware is only as good as your software.
  • Do NOT mount the lights on your tank until AFTER you finish setting everything up. You will thank me later. When you first boot the light up, it will go full 100% blast. After panicking and immediately hitting the power off on the lights, it went back to full blast multiple times during the configuration. When you try to adjust the lights, it will 'demo' the changes live. I kind of understand the rationale behind this, but I wish ecotech would put an option to turn this off. I much rather have the apex way of doing this where you adjust all your settings and then 'save' your settings. After saving the settings, a demo would be appropriate, but not while you are dialing in things. Between mobius screwing up and crashing every few minutes, me trying to dial in my settings, and the lights being a completely different color from G4s, I manage to royally **** off all of my corals to the point where they have not consumed any alk in a day. Hopefully after the initial nonsense of setting these lights up, the corals will bounce back.
  • Poor packaging and poor instructions. The inside of the box does not 'feel' like it is housing a $900 light. The cardboard feels thinner than lights in the past. The light inside of the box is poorly protected and I've seen other people receiving brand new xr30s with cracked lenses. Mine wasn't cracked but two of the screws in one of the lights were not screwed in and was just rolling around in the box... The instructions that come with this thing is borderline useless and between the terrible instruction manual and mobius being such a piece of crap, I really wanted to throw these lights in the trash intially. I think ecotech is trying to go the minimalist route like Apple with their packaging and instructions. IF mobius wasn't the terrible point of sale that it is, then I could understand the poor instruction manual. But the fact is mobius in its current form is terrible.
  • Light still has disco effect, especially OUTSIDE of the tank. Yes, G5s have less disco than G4s. However, they do NOT have less disco than G4s w/ diffusers. I would say the disco effect on the G5s is more of an issue outside of the tank on the walls and floors of the room than inside the tank. The disco on the inside is minimal, but still not quite where it should be at imo. I plan on buying diffusers when they become avaliable because the disco and rainbows appearing on the walls and floors outside of the tank is super annoying to me.

Overall, I do kind of regret upgrading to G5s, at least this early on. It does not feel like a finished product and definitely does not feel like an Ecotech product. I've been using Ecotech products for almost 10 years now and this is the first time where I've encountered so many issues trying to set something up. Maybe Ecotech will get it together and fix a lot of this, but regardless, this first impression has been pretty bad for me personally.

TLDR - Mobius is trash. Don't buy G5s right now unless you want to beta test them for Ecotech.
Should have waited for the new kessils ap9x lol there is no disco ball on kessils and amazing shimmer.


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I feel like Ecotech has paid vendors(Bulk Reef and others) for doing an early glowing review of their product to get everyone hyped up and buy it. In no review that I've heard about the fan noise issue, Mobius connectivity issue, or packaging issue. It's all spectacular. Now more and more people getting their real product and not satisfying with it. What good is a programmable light that you can't connect to reliably and set it up?

A sample setting of user reviews will always be preferable to vendor or retailer reviews. I usually ignore those entirely
Top Shelf Aquatics


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Should have waited for the new kessils ap9x lol there is no disco ball on kessils and amazing shimmer.
Fair point. I didn’t go the kessil route because I’m not a fan of shimmer in general. I personally am a bigger fan if the t5 look. It’s the main reason why I stopped using MH a long time ago.


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Should have waited for the new kessils ap9x lol there is no disco ball on kessils and amazing shimmer.

LOL, Imagine there will be birthing pains there too.

Aqua Splendor

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I feel like Ecotech has paid vendors(Bulk Reef and others) for doing an early glowing review of their product to get everyone hyped up and buy it. In no review that I've heard about the fan noise issue, Mobius connectivity issue, or packaging issue. It's all spectacular. Now more and more people getting their real product and not satisfying with it. What good is a programmable light that you can't connect to reliably and set it up?

I did on my channel, but no one see my video, i'm getting crushed by other big channel and non related video have better ranking, make me sad when I try hard to be honest and direct =/. But it's just unboxe/setup, will do more later.

I haven't got that many issue with mobius, Feel it depend on what OS and it's version. I'm using Android with a S10

For the blue color, I think it's the right way to go to grow corals, you can always configure your own spectrum if you desire. The radiant Color template pop a little more then the rest.
Top Shelf Aquatics


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Sorry OP for your frustrations, but grateful for your feedback.

I too am generally a fan of EM hardware (except point of sale Reeflink). I have several Gen 1s & 2s still going strong. Sounds like they rushed this launch. Hopefully they sort it out.


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I recently upgraded my two G4 with diffusers to G5 Blues on my reefer 350.

On the good: light spread is better, im able to get more even par throughout the tank. I'm always worried about big changes like this, but in effect it got rid of the hot and cold spots. My tank is mostly SPS and alk consumption has gone up about 10% in the last few weeks, so corals seem happy.

The color seems close to G4 AB+ to me, but maybe my eye is not that great ;) Programing with Mobius went fine, was pretty simple to set up AB+ schedule. For lights Bluetooth is fine, doubt I will want to change it remotely, but things like dosing pumps I for sure would want to adjust from afar...

Im not crazy about the mounting brackets, I'm using my old RMS with the new plastic brackets, they seem cheap and they don't hold the light fixed in place, it can move in the channel which I dont like...

A lot was said on new fan design to minimize noise...but was not said is that its MUCH louder then the G4....that was a surprise. Its nice having the fan on top and not exposed to potential moisture, and it allows the LEDS to be spread much better, but it is louder.

Im setting up a frag tank so needed new lights anyway, but I would not recommend upgrading from G4 to G5 for performance..
World Wide Corals


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I don't think so.

We shall see …. been around this hobby long enough that I assume new products ALL have some initial issues. When they don't I'm pleaseantly 'surprised'.


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Great write up, thanks for sharing your experience. WIth my recent tank upgrade I went from redsea 50 to xr15 g5. Although my experience time with g5 is limited (read below), it has much less shimmer than the redsea.

I am having connectivity issues, therefore I cant offer a full review yet.
Received my 2 xr15's two days ago. RMS brackets were being delivered the following day. Programming to mobius was a breeze without issue. The following day when I mounted to them to the tank, Mobius could not connect to the tank I created. I tried trouble shooting (unplug for extended period of time, uninstall mobius, etc). Eventually I factory reset both lights and created a new "Tank". The new tank can only find one of the fixtures, cant seem to find the other. Ive tried several factory resets on the missing fixture with no luck of connecting it. Ive tried creating a new account on mobius, tried creating new tanks, but the end result is only one light is discovered.

I think ill have to contact Ecotech at this point.


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Great write up, thanks for sharing your experience. WIth my recent tank upgrade I went from redsea 50 to xr15 g5. Although my experience time with g5 is limited (read below), it has much less shimmer than the redsea.

I am having connectivity issues, therefore I cant offer a full review yet.
Received my 2 xr15's two days ago. RMS brackets were being delivered the following day. Programming to mobius was a breeze without issue. The following day when I mounted to them to the tank, Mobius could not connect to the tank I created. I tried trouble shooting (unplug for extended period of time, uninstall mobius, etc). Eventually I factory reset both lights and created a new "Tank". The new tank can only find one of the fixtures, cant seem to find the other. Ive tried several factory resets on the missing fixture with no luck of connecting it. Ive tried creating a new account on mobius, tried creating new tanks, but the end result is only one light is discovered.

I think ill have to contact Ecotech at this point.
I saw somewhere that someone had the "chip" come loose and needed to open the unit and push the Bluetooth chip back in to get it to connect....

for whats it worth....

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I saw somewhere that someone had the "chip" come loose and needed to open the unit and push the Bluetooth chip back in to get it to connect....

for whats it worth....


Thanks for your comment Jim.

Spent a couple minutes with customer service and happy to report they resolved my issue. Even with a factory reset to there unit, the serial number was still assigned to a deleted tank. They walked me through a couple steps and it was back online.

Only been one full day of use of these lights. Don't have much to say other than I really liked the shimmer of the redsea led compared to the radion. Will provide more thoughts down the road.

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