Getting rid of bubble algae



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No. There has been some videos released recently that debunk that myth.

think of it this way, people suggest using fish and crabs to overcome it, correct? Those fish or crabs don’t swallow that bubble whole…..they bust it to eat.



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I had plague levels of it once upon a time. Manual removal of as much as possible was the best for me. If you keep chipping away at it, you can keep it at bay eventually. Worst thing to do is ignore it
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No. There has been some videos released recently that debunk that myth.

think of it this way, people suggest using fish and crabs to overcome it, correct? Those fish or crabs don’t swallow that bubble whole…..they bust it to eat.

good to know thanks


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Remove algae manually out of tank, remove them from powerheads if stuck, lower phosphates (if high), get pitho or emerald crabs.

Depending on the severity, dose an algaecide like API Algaefix.
With the caveats that come with dosing it (if it's Busan 77, which it likely is, it has a host of toxic effects to more than just algae). I'm assuming that's why you said depending on severity though...sometimes you have to nuke the aliens from orbit, lol


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With the caveats that come with dosing it (if it's Busan 77, which it likely is, it has a host of toxic effects to more than just algae). I'm assuming that's why you said depending on severity though...sometimes you have to nuke the aliens from orbit, lol
I’d say it was needed for my particular situation lol. Haven’t noticed any ill effects. Sps and clams actually looked better during and post treatment, which is probably from the bubble algae no longer blocking flow on the powerheads. I used Vibrant, but heard Algaefix is the same product.


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I’d say it was needed for my particular situation lol. Haven’t noticed any ill effects. Sps and clams actually looked better during and post treatment, which is probably from the bubble algae no longer blocking flow on the powerheads. I used Vibrant, but heard Algaefix is the same product.
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I’d say it was needed for my particular situation lol. Haven’t noticed any ill effects. Sps and clams actually looked better during and post treatment, which is probably from the bubble algae no longer blocking flow on the powerheads. I used Vibrant, but heard Algaefix is the same product.
View attachment 3133903
Can you share your experience with nuking with Vibrant?

Did it fix the situation? Was it permanent? Did the bubbles come back? Were your corals affected? How about your biome, do you think that was thrown off? If so how did you remedy it?


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Good morning everyone. I've been having issues with getting rid of bubble algae. What do you recommend doing to get rid of it? are there any inverts that would help?
Like others I have had bubble algae in the past. Its a pain and a bit unsightly but at least it does not sting coral or wage chemical warfare. I use a syphon hose with rigid tubing on the end and pry and syphon them out of my tank during routine water changes. I have never fully eradicated it but I have managed it to the point that it is not unsightly. I also have ornamental macroalgae in my tank like red titan, red grape caulerpa, ulva, opuntia, cupressoides caulerpa that help compete against it. This is only a solution if you like macroalgae however.
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Had bubble once on a rock containing Xenia from an LFS claiming that had no pests. Should have QT but it went into an experimental tank so not too worried. Ended up just throwing that rock away. Seems the problem is now solved. Why QT so important regardless what the source says. Gotta introduce it to have it


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Can you share your experience with nuking with Vibrant?

Did it fix the situation? Was it permanent? Did the bubbles come back? Were your corals affected? How about your biome, do you think that was thrown off? If so how did you remedy it?
Really can’t say that vibrate was the main driver, but I believe it may have slowed the growth down giving the crabs enough time to catch up. The algae never turned white, so I question if it was the primary reason. It just started to disappear. I dosed it for 3 months and nothing was affected including corals.

If your algae is bad I would

1.Buy some pitho crabs from reef cleaners
2. Add a filter sock to your drains
3. Try and manual remove as much as you can (doesn’t have to be all of it)
4. Clean powerheads anytime bubbles start to pile up
5. Lower nutrients (po4)
6. Dose an algaecide.

The above fixed my issue and no longer have bubble algae.


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I had the same experience as GarretT. Ultimately, needed an algicide as the final prong to the multi prong attack.

From what I have read about bubble algae... is that the bubbles store up nutrients, so it is very difficult to starve this algae out as a single solution. Crabs can get at the little bits here and there in the nooks, but, don't expect them to clear pounds of it. I won my battle with weekly manual removal and emerald crabs. I had to throw out some birds nest corals that just got loaded with it, and I shut down my refugium, where bubble algae had taken over the chaeto. Nutrients were basically undetectable in the tank the whole time.

Ultimately, dosing vibrant weekly (followed the instructions) for 2 or 3 months eradicated it. The only ill effect I have personally noted with vibrant is the appearance of cynao afterwards. But, this is easy to treat. The fear of killing the algae symbionts in the coral is something I did not consider - since back then we thought vibrant was a magic bacteria - LOL.

It has been years at this point and no bubble algae.


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One thing I'd like to add is, if you keep your circulation pumps running, remove some manually and it starts floating around the tank. Some will get stuck in rocks, etc...but most ends up stuck to the intake mesh of the pump, where you can then remove the pump and clean the intake. Makes it easier than chasing individual pieces with a net. Alternatively put your net in front of the pump and the bubbles will be blown into the net.

Used Vibrant at the recommended dose. It certainly helped kill my bubble algae and I understand why people use it. Had a pretty bad infestation because I ignored it until it was a bigger problem. Unfortunately, I used mine one year in or so when my biome was still maturing and it knocked everything back to the stone age. Once it died off, got a bunch of ugly brown algae, then a dino infestation, then diatoms. Lots of snail deaths too, which could be attributed to the nitrate release/toxicity of the dinoflagellate/Vibrant all at once. Was pretty demoralizing to go from one problem to another.i still have a bit of bubble algae but now my urchins and crabs take care of what I don't get. I don't want to make this thread into an anti-algaecide crusade, just make sure you try other options first, read directions, and expect odd effects. Also, if you have macroalgae in your refugium, it'll melt.

In the case of bubble algae an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, probably quite literally lol. It's a lot like aiptasia in that respect. Ignore at your peril

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