From Frags to Fishes.... And also more Frags



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Feb 28, 2018
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So hello! I'm a reefer down in Chattanooga, TN. Been in aquariums since I was young, getting into saltwater in 2015. Started with the small Biocube and ocean live rock. Didn't understand anything, and learned a lot.

Then we sold our home and moved around for a bit. Once we found another home, started with a old small Red Sea AIO MAX I got at a LFS used. Grew out a ton of softies, then Upgraded to the bigger Red Sea MAX and grew out a ton of softies and easy easy SPS. Then life got busy.

Sold everything and got a small Waterbox 40.1. FIRST TANK WITH A SUMP! And I think you all know why that's important. To say I learned a few things is a understatement. The whole tank ultimately failed miserably from poor test kits and poor understanding of water chemistry (aka my fault).

Thought about quitting, thought about the busyness of life and all it's complexities, but just wanted to learn from my mistakes and know more!

I purchased a small AIO 20g Acrylic Frag Tank and did an instant start tank. Tons of coral frags, no live rock, and a skimmer placed directly inside the tank. It looked horrible! But was one of the most successful tanks I ever made. A year later, I upgraded to a Low Boy and added a big sump and moved everything over to that. After building a frag tank setup and having it running for a bit, I really missed the appeal of the "Display Tank". Which brings us to these past few months.

After months of not being around my LFS I decided to stop in and see what's going on l. To my immediate surprise, I see a custom SCA 90g cube, Custom stand, Trigger Sump, Apex EL with every add on you can think of, Aquatic Life Hybrid with Kessil A360, and so so so much more. Tank and equipment was in operation for less than a year (this was provided by invoices and paperwork). And let's just say, This setup was going for a ridiculously low price!

And my wife surprised me, and bought it!

Step 1: Getting it Transported
This thing was heavy! And just wider than our doorways. We had to take down two doorframes to get the tank inside the house.
but ultimately,we got everything in the room!


After hiring a electrician to add a new outlet and breaker for the tank, and adding a Shop Sink into the room. We were ready to add water! Oh! But we needed an Aquascape

Step Two: Aquascape.
This took WAYYYYYY too long, and even now I would have done so much different (welcome to the hobby right?). But I'm satisfied in the end! This is my first NSA / HSA Scape and think it's good enough. Already looking forward to the next scape because of all I learned!




Step Three: Get some Water!
Except I had no clue how to run an Apex, or anything that came with it, water was the next step! And filled it up we did!

Step Four: Let the cycle Begin!
Got some Marine Pure Bio Balls that have been cooking in my frag tank for a few months, and two Frostbite Clowns that had hosted a Purple Wall Hammer in my frag tank and added them into the tank. No Ammonia, no Nitrite, let the algae bloom!


Step Five: Add more Frags!
Now that the cycle of marine life has started, it's in the period of acclimation and growth! So far there are 4x Chromis, 2x Frostbite Clownfish, 1x Blue Hippo Tang, 1x Scopus Tang. These were all transplants from my Frag Tank (other than the Chromis). And they grew out of the frag tank perfectly into the Display.


So that's the journey so far! Corals added have been: Wall Hammer, Duncan, Zoa's Rock, Bali Green Slimmer, Tri Color Valida, Myogi Tort, Garf Bonsai, Shock Tart Acro, PC Rainbow, Red Monti, ORA Birds of Paradise, and Green Bird's-nest.

This is the Reef Room, and some of the corals I keep.








And couldn't end it without my first 20g AIO acrylic frag tank that ultimately got upgraded.

And the first setup of the coral roo

Hope you all have enjoyed this long long post and would love to answer any questions! Can't wait to send you all updates and struggles. This is only the first MONTH! And we all know the first year is always tough! Hope you all might find this hopeful, and inspire you to keep reefing!!
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Thanks man! This was a lot for me to explain away lol but I still have a ton I want to do and see the grow out! Thanks for the support! And keeping the reefing stoke high!


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Hello again! Since the system has been up and running a little shy of two months. I was going to to a quick summary of all I'm running and how it's performing in the system so far.

Tank / Sump

The Glass tank is a Crystal Dynamics Aquarium out of California. Very nice glass with Reinforced Seams, Glass Euro Brace, and a Starboard bottom that just looks better for bare bottom tanks. Very happy with this tank!

I ALWAYS oversize my sumps. I never want to ask myself "will that fit?". I just want to throw it in there with no regard to size. And on my frag system, I was able to do that since I built it myself. The sump holds about 30g of water for a 50g frag tank. Anyways, you see where I'm at so we get to this sump. The Trigger Systems Triton 20 V2 Sump. Considering how I always want space, I was very surprised with how much this sump holds, and the amount of versatility when it comes to what water levels you want to run inside the sump. Of course, coming from always oversizing things, this made me think a lot more about placement of equipment, and or if I want to downgrade for something smaller, to fit something else later (algae scrubber).



Never had a Deltec, never thought of buying a Deltec, and here I am with a Deltec. And I am extremely pleased!

The Deltec 400i is a DC Skimmer and has really blown me away in performance and just how quiet it is. It has no trouble keeping up with the bioload and feeding I do in the tank. This thing loves poop almost too much, and dry skimming seems to give me the best performance/results. And with the built in anti overflow you don't have to worry about your skimmer cup overflowing into your tank if your sump level rises! Really cool!

Control Board


There is a lot going on here and I'm not going to get into everything. This is definitely not the nicest setup, and part of my wants to build a out of tank control board since I have the space. But it is pretty cool having everything self contained within the tank and stand and I've had no problems with condensation or humidity and no controllers show signs of rust.

It's a Neptune system full of Neptune things. This will honestly be a separate post because it's just too much. When I got my Neptune I felt like reefing got really hard before it got a lot more easy.




The loved and adored Tunze 3055. I have one on each tank and love them both! Nothing bad to say here other than clean your optical sensors often! Only time I've ever had a problem is when I had film covering the Optical Sensor cause it a false reading.



Some of the best growth I've ever gotten was with T5s, and with the Aquatic Life Hybrids, I was able to use the best of both worlds!

This is the Dimmable version and I run it along side two Kessil A360WE and this provides adequate PAR Values I'm looking for. I run everything through the Apex on a 12hr schedule.

Will chat about coral growth under these lights in the future!

Thanks for hanging in here with me and checking out the post!

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8%