Four Square Aquatics - APIS-60 ATS Review

AI Nero 5


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Hi All,
I recently upgraded my tank and had planned to build a DIY algae scrubber, specifically trying to match some features that the APIS scrubbers tout, without having to drop the gutwrenching amount of cash they were asking for such a common DIY solutions. Specifically, looking for compact footprint, minimal light spill, and ease of cleaning. Well after 2 attempts, at making my own. (one that I made .5 inches too big for my stand, and one that split from the heat of my lights) I finally accepted that it was time to throw in the towel so I could get a scrubber up and working on my new setup.

Enter the APIS-60 ATS from Four Square Aquatics. After almost vomiting at the price, researching other options, I finally accepted that I was going to spend twice the money on a scrubber that meet the criteria I was looking for. One of my biggest concerns when ordering this ATS was the lack of info I could find online, I saw several good reviews, giving props to build quality, and that it worked great, but they were a bit vague for my taste. So after buying the dang thing, I though I should share my feelings to help out anyone thinking about throwing the better part of a grand at a very fancy ATS.

SO here it is.

The APIS is pretty... I mean, look at this shiny black box!!!


It came well packed, and survived shipping in its own package (which really is just a plain box).
Setup is simple, you plug in the pipes, slide, and tighten the bulkheads, and hang the screen. Super easy, the challenge is finding where you can place it that it will drain into your sump. As you can see above, I did a bit of modifications to a wire rack and ran the pipe into the side of my sump. Not the easiest, but that was mainly due to my choice of placement. If you had a larger sump, and room above, it would probably be easier to place.


So, as for build quality, and design. This thing is solid, the Acrylic is cut perfectly, and each piece fits snugly together. Welds all look solid and its made of nice 1/4 thick acrylic so it feel good and strong. The design makes sense and works well, its a bit boxy for my taste, but that is to house the beefy black box esq grow lights while blocking any and all light leakage. It works as intended, keeping light, sound and water inside the box, while still making it easy to access and clean.


Well How does it work you might ask. It work great... in fact I was blown away.

10 days after install you can see initial growth. I gave the screen a quick rinse and reinserted.


5 days later I pulled the drawer to do my weekly maintenance and this is what I found.



That is 3 cups of Lush Green Algae. No slime, or browning. Just gorgeous nutrient export.

It took about 5 minutes to clean, reassemble and have back up and running.

Things I like:
-The center chamber makes it so easy to remove and walk across the house for cleaning at the nearest sink

-Super easy to dissemble and clean.


Things I don't like...:
-OMG that price tag!!!

- Fans are just barely audible... not silent.

Final Thoughts. Its a solid build product, with a fantastic design. I think that the box will hold up through several sets of lights, and due to design It should be easy to replace the lights when the time comes. It hurts to pay so much, but for me, the ease of cleaning, and the space saved in my stand was a fair trade. I'm slightly worried how the screen size will hold up on my 125 gallon tank, but at the moment it looks like it is doing great keeping my levels in check.

Current tank ( I swear I will get my new build thread up this month!)
125 Mixed Reef
Lots of Fish, Lots of Coral
Over Fed (I blame the wife)
Current Levels after first cleaning.
Temp -79.7, Nitrate - 5, Phosphate - .01
Salinity - 1.025, Alk - 8.2, Cal - 444

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World Wide Corals


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Thanks for sharing. I’ve been thinking about getting one of these. Now that you’ve had it awhile are you still happy with it? I wasted a lot of time and money on another brand. I don’t want to make the same mistake again.

Hi Biggestfish,
Yes I do still like it, after a bit I found that the fans on the light ended up being the loudest part of my tank and that has grown on my nerves so last weekend I swapped the lights for some passive cooled amazon grow lights. I should know this weekend how growth looks with the new light.

Couple other things of note, the ATS has a pretty loud waterfall noise when first cleaned, after a couple days the algae dampens the effect. Cleaning is still Super easy, but I do have to scrape the box as well as the screen. I find a good percentage of my algae actually grows on the bottom of the box, so I purchase some plastic putty knives on amazon and scrape the box each weekend when I scrape the screen.

The other issue I had was microbubbles and pipe gurgling. This is probably due to my plumbing, I had to make some pretty hard angle plumbing it into my sump, and the return came directly into the small chamber before my return. This is really my fault, but its something I've been toying with constantly since setup. I think I finally have fixed the issue by running the return through the sump so it exits into my skimmer chamber.

Anyway, hope that helps, and I will try to update this with my changes once I know the results.


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Hi Las,
I actually ended up removing it from my system about 6 months ago. It was amazing for nurtient export, but in my setup and probably a bit due to how I had to plumb it up in my sump it ended up being the loudest part of my tank.

Take that with a grain of salt, because I am incredibly picky with the noise level from my tank, and have all ultra quite DC components.

Anyway, after trying multiple different plumbing setups, i threw in the towel and setup a refugium. My nutrients are higher, but the coral dont seem to mind, and I dont have the extra fan noise, and little gurgles from the algae scrubber.

If your interested, I still have mine and was planning to put it up for sale. Just needs a couple new bulk heads.
Nutramar Foods


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Does it heat up your system’s water temperature? I have a tank that I keep at 72 degrees. One of my concerns is that it would raise my water temp. How did you have it mounted? Sending PM


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Hi Las,
I dident notice much issue with the tank temp, but I run my tank at 79-80. I can tell you I did not need a chiller like in previous builds, but I have evap fans built into my hood that would come on when over 80. The stock light do have some pretty hardy fans, so I feel like it disipates heat pretty well.


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Does it heat up your system’s water temperature? I have a tank that I keep at 72 degrees. One of my concerns is that it would raise my water temp. How did you have it mounted? Sending PM
The heat from the LED fixtures would have very little, most likely zero, impact on heating the system's water.
The LEDs are enclosed in an actively cooled fixture (powered fans) that are placed in a separate (and dry) chamber from the algae drawer and the water passing through the unit. Any heat generated by the fixture would need to pass through the lens of the fixture and through a 1/4" thick polycarbonate partition before any possibility of heating the water.
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Duane Fagan

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Hi Biggestfish,
Yes I do still like it, after a bit I found that the fans on the light ended up being the loudest part of my tank and that has grown on my nerves so last weekend I swapped the lights for some passive cooled amazon grow lights. I should know this weekend how growth looks with the new light.

Couple other things of note, the ATS has a pretty loud waterfall noise when first cleaned, after a couple days the algae dampens the effect. Cleaning is still Super easy, but I do have to scrape the box as well as the screen. I find a good percentage of my algae actually grows on the bottom of the box, so I purchase some plastic putty knives on amazon and scrape the box each weekend when I scrape the screen.

The other issue I had was microbubbles and pipe gurgling. This is probably due to my plumbing, I had to make some pretty hard angle plumbing it into my sump, and the return came directly into the small chamber before my return. This is really my fault, but its something I've been toying with constantly since setup. I think I finally have fixed the issue by running the return through the sump so it exits into my skimmer chamber.

Anyway, hope that helps, and I will try to update this with my changes once I know the results.
I saw that you removed the scrubber but by chance you remember what lights you replaced the original one with
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Thank you very much with any ats if built right the only concern is when the lights fail how easy are they to replace
The light fixtures are very easy to swap out.
The top of the case is removable and the light fixtures just slide up and out the top. To install replacement lights, they will slide back in. The only "hiccup" to speak to is that since the switch is protruding from the fixture, it will need to be toggled flat and wiggled past the outer wall of the case; nothing too complicated.
Replacement light fixtures can be ordered directly from Foursquare Aquatics. Send an e-mail through their website or Facebook page; subject to availability.
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