Found my passion in seahorses, but have I lost my mind? My first (public) build. 60g rimless

I'm a natural blue

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Hey there R2R! My name is Lisa. I have been keeping seahorses for almost 2 years now and this will be my 4th time setting up a tank for them. I know, your thinking a tank every 6 months? Well, yes and no.

A little backround. My father, a long time reef keeper, gifted me his 75g full setup when he got out of the hobby at 70 y's old. I was ecstatic! That was two years ago and that's when I got smacked in the face with the dreaded "reef bug". HARD. LOL. I had reef tanks over twenty years ago but as a young philly I was exploring and moved a lot so I got out myself.

As you can imagine, in twenty years, much had changed in the hobby. Better equipment (No more undergravel filters!), new husbandry practices, basically more knowledge and the internet! What a gift this is for us now as compared to back then. (sidebar: hard to imagine I've seen the coming of the internet, gee whiz I sound old!) I had a significant amount of research to catch up to how things are done today.

My husband and I eargerly got to work and set up the 75 as a mixed reef. Before I go further, I will be the first to admit many, many mistakes were made along the way, so be easy on me y'all! After that tank was set up for months we went to a brand new LFS in town to see what they had to add to our tank. Low and behold they carried seahorses! I had to have one. I talked to the staff about them briefly, picked one out and out the door we went. If you are a seahorse keeper, you already know where this is going.

Big mistake #1:Not enough research. He acclimated well and was swimming happily until the next morning when I found him dead. Right next to a stinging coral. I was heartbroken. I called the LFS to ask what could have happened and that's when they told me no stinging coral. With a deep sigh I wished I had done my research first and that they offered more info on their care. My fault. I should have asked more questions. Alas, I wasn't done trying to keep one.

Big mistake #2: See #1. I decided to get a separate tank for one. So I excitedly marched to my LFS and bought a cute little 15g column. I had it all set up, cycled, and off I went and bought 2 small seahorses. They were so cute I thought 2 is better than one! Bonnie and Clyde. I had no issues right away because they were so small but that quickly changed as they started to grow. Btw, they were erectus. is tank # 2 coming your way.

Back to the LFS. Mistakes in the making. I bought a beautiful 36g bowfront tank. Add more live rock, CUC, everything I was supposed to have to create the best possible ecosystem. Let it cycle. Plenty big enough for 2 erectus, right? Or so I thought. Not that this tank isn't more suited however, it did eventually pose it's own issues. My HOB filter just couldn't keep up. My husbandry even with the best intentions lacked experience. Some more research. I added a HOB AquaMaxx 1.5 skimmer and a powerhead. That worked for a minute. I also had added more live sand that down the road I found out was not the ideal kind. It was too "chunky" and started to trap detritus. I spent what seemed like an eternity vaccuming sand with every two week/20% water change.

Big Mistake #3: See #1. Broadcast feeding. I did start to target feed when I added the skimmer but I was so concerned because the info I was reading kept repeating the low flow motto but I knew this wasn't working out. More research. What I found was that seahorses can take more flow and actually like it when they have areas in the tank with lower flow to rest. Since my tank needed more flow and I knew it would be OK, I took another leap.

Mistake #4: See #1. Canister filters. Now I know many sh keepers that have successfully used them. Nothing against them but it didn't work for me. I purchased a Penn Plax 700. Lined it with the precut sponge filters, carbon, the whole gamut. Still had issues with not enough flow. Added a spray bar to it. That worked well! Again, only for a while. Even changing out the filters more often I started to see GHA. Ugh! Really? OK, fish tank. I will not be outdone by you! Off to the LFS.

On to bigger and better. I bought a Proclear 175 wet/dry sump that came with a HOB return box. Surely this will do it!!!!! Hubby helped me get it all set up. I did not use the bioballs that came with it though. I kept reading they are nitrate factories and that is the last thing I needed. My nitrates and phosphate clearly were high enough. I instead added more live rock to the sump, a filter sock, and modded it to have a refugium. Muah ha ha! I've got it down now!

Nope, too much GHA no matter what I tried. Larger, more frequent water changes. Nope. Even did two rounds of Flucanazole. It died then came back with a vengeance. Black out. Nope. I can only guess it was locked in the LR.

I had about given up. Then a disaster happened. The sump on my 75g blew out and flooded the front half of my house. On carpet. Dear Lord, the smell after was awful. I ended up having to take down both tanks to get the floors fixed. My best friend had a tank set up that didn't have but two fish in it and she graciously fostered Bonnie and Clyde for me during the transition and cycle. Unfortunately, Bonnie didn't do very well in the transition and went on a hunger strike. She didn't make it. Broke my heart. Here I am trying in vain to get it right for them and I felt like I failed.

I took that oppurtunity to upgrade both tanks. Oh and the floors are now porcelain tile! Woohoo! The 75 is now a 90 and the 36 got a makeover. The hubs built two overflows into the tank for better filtration. As of now it is working out good. Expcept for one thing. Clyde. He is so lonely even with a mirror.

Mind you, I have been obsessively researching everything I can read about Sh's. I've joined multiple forums and FB pages soaking up every drop of info I can read in a day. Somedays, hour upon hour of research. That is when I found and actively got involved in R2R's seahorse forum. I noticed a theme. Many keepers have 60g cubes! They can host 6 erectus. They are tall and quite honestly incredibly appealing both aesthetically and functionally.

Then I got to thinking.....and here is the part where I may be crazy. A bigger tank. An ideal seahorse tank. Reef ready. One that can host more than just two erectus so no one is lonely again. A tank that I can keep for a long time. A bare bare bottom tank. I had decided on a rimless 60g Marineland Reefready cube!

Found one last Friday. A used entire set up at a good price. Brought her home started to clean her out and discovered the bottom of the tank had significant damage that had been repaired. I cried. Yep. Sure did. I won't be using this tank. The stand and sump are good to go though. I called my LFS, told them what happened and asked them to price me a new tank. These guys are truly the bees knees. They offered to order the tank for me at cost. Can you believe it?

Here is where you guys come in. The return pump that came with the tank is a Panworld nh 40 px. It is rated for 480 gph and 13.5 max head. I won't need that much head pressure but I'm definitely wanting to make absolutely certain I have enough flow and turnover. I am thinking this won't suffice. Alternately, I'm looking at an Octo VarioS 4 or 6. Thoughts? I like that it has adjustable flow settings, 2 feed settings, and a slow ramp up to avoid micro bubbles when it turns on. The sump is only two chambers and I have a chiller I will plumb into this set up. So external is where I am leaning. I'm using the first chamber for the skimmer, sock and possibly more live rock and I'd like to use the second chamber as a refugium.

Those with a 60g cube, what are you using to keep food/ detritus suspended? Have you encountered issues with setting it up? Any advice would spare me the grief of buying the wrong equipment.

Thanks for reading my dissertation...LOL I hope I haven't bored you too much! I'll be posting pics once I get started. I've decided to stall ordering the tank until Irma passes as I am not sure if she will affect us here in NOLA. Gives me time for feedback as well.

Please send good vibes! Oh, I can post pics of the busted 60, stand, sump and my current set up shortly. P.S. I may sell the 36 after I am all set up. ;) In the mean time, please let me introduce you to, Clyde!




Bonnie & Clyde. Note the GHA...grrrrrrrrr.

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Lisa, I also came home from the lfs with a pair of seahorses in 2004 that ended very badly. So badly that it took me 10 years to get the nerve to try again. I think a lot of us learned the hard way about seahorses.

Are you hoping to supply all the flow you need with just the return pump? If so, the Panworld definitely will not do it. I have 400gph coming from my return but I have an additional 1600gph coming from my powerheads and my tank is 4 gallons less than your cube.

My return nozzle provides flow up high in my tank and ripples the surface for gas exchange, (although I have an air pump with an open airline tube that also ripples the other side of the tank).

Both powerheads blasts the floor but even that does not keep all particles in suspension. What particles that sink swirl around at one end of the tank where I syphon them out almost daily, (I hate seeing it, ha ha).

Folks think my tank is pristine but I get some gha also, especially in the gorgs. I have decided that the best defense against nuisance algae is thriving macro algaes. When my macros are growing great I have less gha. I guess its being outcompeted. Its a balancing act though. Too much macro algae and flow is impeded and detritus builds up.


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My return pump is a tunze DC 6000 and I am only running it at 70% because my overflow can't handle more.. Its programmable and was very reasonably priced, (under $100). Since its in the basement it is pumping at least 10ft of head pressure but if it was in the cabinet you could split the flow and get a lot of muscle from just the one pump.
I'm a natural blue

I'm a natural blue

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@vlangel Thank you for your feedack Dawn. I have an airline that I use currently and a small p.h. in addition to the return having a spraybar. In the new set up I know I will need to upgrade p.h.'s. What ones do you use? I am considering a Maxspect or something similar but I'm completely open to different ones. Is your Tunzie external or in the sump? I will be putting my rp in the cabinet and spliting the flow. I'll look into a Tunzie too. I'm all about cost effective equipment if it is reliable.
As far as GHA, I have some macro in the DT as well as the sump. I do plan on adding more than what I have now in the dt of the 60 but I want to add ones that are more decorative and less of a detritus trap! Yesterday was water change day and I took all of my macro that I could out to rinse in sw because of "dust" settling on them. It drives me crazy. Hence the reason I wan to go BB. I feel like silt from the sand gets everywhere!


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@vlangel Thank you for your feedack Dawn. I have an airline that I use currently and a small p.h. in addition to the return having a spraybar. In the new set up I know I will need to upgrade p.h.'s. What ones do you use? I am considering a Maxspect or something similar but I'm completely open to different ones. Is your Tunzie external or in the sump? I will be putting my rp in the cabinet and spliting the flow. I'll look into a Tunzie too. I'm all about cost effective equipment if it is reliable.
As far as GHA, I have some macro in the DT as well as the sump. I do plan on adding more than what I have now in the dt of the 60 but I want to add ones that are more decorative and less of a detritus trap! Yesterday was water change day and I took all of my macro that I could out to rinse in sw because of "dust" settling on them. It drives me crazy. Hence the reason I wan to go BB. I feel like silt from the sand gets everywhere!
Oops, I gave you wrong info Lisa. My return pump is a Jabao DCT 6000. It is only submersible but it is flow adjustible.
One of my ph is a Tunze nano stream 6045. It is manually adjustible from 800 - 1200 gph if I remember correctly. I only need to cover the output since the impellor is so far forward. The nano stream is efficient and low heat but it cost more than my rio 800 which is my 2nd ph. The rios are durable and a good value but not as efficient electricity wise and give off more heat. The rios also have close grating and are safe for seahorses with out any netting.

I will post a link of a pic of the Jabao's box.
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I'm a natural blue

I'm a natural blue

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@vlangel I looked at the Jebao/Jecod dc's. Dan at Seahorse Source recommended them to me a few weeks back and until I realized I need external that is what I was going to get. I hear they work great for the money and are adjustable too. I'll take a look at the ph's. Thanks!
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@vlangel I looked at the Jebao/Jecod dc's. Dan at Seahorse Source recommended them to me a few weeks back and until I realized I need external that is what I was going to get. I hear they work great for the money and are adjustable too. I'll take a look at the ph's. Thanks!
Yes, it was Dan who suggested the DC pump to me as well.
I'm a natural blue

I'm a natural blue

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The tank is ordered! A 60g Marineland rimless reef ready cube! I also decided on going with the Reef Octopus VarioS-6 for my return pump. It can be used internal or external. It's fully adjustable for max flow rating of 1720 gph. It has two feed settings 15 & 60 minutes and my favorite feature is that is is a slow ramp up so it doesn't come on full force all at once!

@vlangel On a side note the hubs resealed the orginal 60 that I bought with RTV 108 followed by silicone and low and behold it is holding water for 24 hours now. Going to leave it up for a few more days. I still won't use it but he is considering selling it under full disclosure.
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The tank is ordered! A 60g Marineland rimless reef ready cube! I also decided on going with the Reef Octopus VarioS-6 for my return pump. It can be used internal or external. It's fully adjustable for max flow rating of 1720 gph. It has two feed settings 15 & 60 minutes and my favorite feature is that is is a slow ramp up so it doesn't come on full force all at once!

@vlangel On a side note the hubs resealed the orginal 60 that I bought with RTV 108 followed by silicone and low and behold it is holding water for 24 hours now. Going to leave it up for a few more days. I still won't use it but he is considering selling it under full disclosure.
Wow, the return pump sounds awesome. I hope you can recupe some of your investment by selling the 1st 60 gallon cube.
I'm a natural blue

I'm a natural blue

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I have used the VarioS pump and it is my favorite!
Never used an eco tech pump, so can't comment there.
That is good to hear. I hate when I get something I think will be great only to have buyers remorse down the road!
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I'm a natural blue

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Wow, the return pump sounds awesome. I hope you can recupe some of your investment by selling the 1st 60 gallon cube.
I hope it is! I will let everyone know for sure. I hope so too. Still looking good this morning. No leaks or seams showing any signs of distress.
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I'm a natural blue

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So today was the big day! I picked up my new tank!!!! My husband and I have spent the entire day working on the stand which we expanded and firmed up. We also plumbed the tank, sump and chiller! A rough draft of course. I still have to paint the stand. It's all sanded and ready to go! I will post pictures soon.

While I have been still contemplating what to use on the bottom glass for a "nicer" BB look, I think I found the answer while shopping at Home Depot. I thought about painting the exterior bottom but since it has no "rim" I had reservations. Then I think I found the holy grail! LOL I found a non-skid contact paper that (I think) will resemble sand! It is extremely thin and made of a rubber like material. Check this out @vlangel ........

I'm a natural blue

I'm a natural blue

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I'd be careful using that "Grip Prints" as not knowing the chemical makeup, you may experience some chemicals bleeding out.
Maybe you could contact the makers for info.
Thank you! I will be using UNDER the glass, not inside. Good looking out though. :)
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