Fleece roller questions for those that have them


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I am currently running filter socks at 200 micro, occasionally 100 if I need the water extra polished. According to a lot of reviews, the fleece rollers helped keep their aquarium cleaner despite it being of similar micron (specifically looking at the ReefMat 1200). I am struggling to understand how that makes sense if someone is changing out the aquarium socks when needed? I do understand it increases the time in between maintenance, which is great.

I am currently running socks > skimmer > refugium. I would have to remove the skimmer to accommodate the reefmat. I have heard people commenting that detritus in the display does not get broken down. With enough flow, and sand sifting gobies + CuC, is this a relevant issue?

This came up because during a brief power outage, my skimmer started to overflow despite being off. The skimmer cup was above the water line in the sump but I guess a siphon was created to the skimmate locker and it flooded into my cabinet and onto the floor. This has made me nervous about the continued use of a skimmer.

Would you go with the reefmat or stick with my current set up? I am also curious if anyone has noticed copepods increasing with a fleece roller since they aren’t trapped the same way as a sock?

Edit: refugium has live rock and chaeto, if that makes a difference. For gas exchange, there’s two mp60, two reefwave 45, and 3 Neptune wav in the display. Overflow is 1200gph. I have an apex that says orp is 350ish and that’s fairly stable.


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I have the Clarisea SK3000 G3. I have only had it installed for a little over a month, and it's a new system so take my input with a grain of over-priced reef salt!

I have NOT noticed the water gets "extra polished" with my roller. And from what I've read, the SK3000 filter rolls are more tightly woven than even the Reefmat rolls. There is still plenty of detritus floating around and settling out so I don't believe you'd have any issues with CUC or sand sifters.

That's about all I can speak to from personal experience. Hopefully somebody else will chime in on your other questions. Good luck!

Edit - I don't yet have a need for a skimmer or refugium. I hope to have the bioload to be able to set those up down the road, but I do hear it's pretty common for people not NOT need all 3 methods.

Reefin Aint Easy

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I used to use filter socks a long while ago and then switched to the clarisea and now own the reefmat. I will say this, I will never go back to filter socks. Main reason is easability. I like not having to worry about changing out my filter socks every couple days and washing them things. Now, I will say when I switched to a filter roller, my tank ended up being "to clean". What I mean by that is it stripped my nitrates and phosphates, because it is taking the particles and uneaten food right out of the water before it has a chance to break down unlike filter socks. I ended up just feeding more and dosing nitrates and phosphates when needed to combat the issue. Now, with all of that being said, I do not use a protein skimmer nor a refugium either.


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I wouldn't expect much of a difference, other than maybe a drop in nutrients as organics are taking out of the water column.
I use a rollerfilter as it is much easier to change the roll now and then, than dealing with socks.


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I have the one made by Royal Exclusiv and the clarity part is due to the fact that with socks the water keeps going over the waste for days on end further decomposing the waste whereas the roller is basically taking it out completely to break down away from your aquarium water. I say it helps more with nutrients than clarity per se but worth every penny.


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Been using reefmat 1200 from the beginning and love it. Depending on the mat thickness which is not consistent between rolls, i get between 80-120 inches of usage per day on a 220G system. Water clarity is A+