Hello everyone I purchased a waterbox 193.6 but I chipped the glass fairly badly while moving. I contacted Waterbox and this tank size is discontinued so I can not purchase another one. Is this fixable? Worth trying to fix?
Even IF someone gave you the go ahead would you really want to take a chance on one massive 190 gallon flood? Personally, I'd be constantly worried about it and wouldn't enjoy that which the tank has to offer. If you're worried about getting a tank with these dimensions, there are places who will custom build. It'll be a more expensive tank, but at least the option is there. Sorry this happened to you. It really sucks.
Ouch! Ummmm I think it’s fixable if you have a local tank builder that could replace that glass pane for you… I don’t think I’d trust that.. I can’t seem to tag Joe glass cages. Hmmm