Fish disease or sign of healing on Melanurus Wrasse??


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Dec 4, 2020
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So I purchased a Melanurus Wrasse two days ago and put it into QT, I am currently treating it for internal parasites/worms due to stringy white feces and the food is mixed to @Humblefish specifications using general cure. Today as I'm observing the fish I noticed its fin was damaged as well as having a white, idk what to call it, on its fin (see pic). Is this healing or is it an infection of some sort. If its an infection what do I treat it with that will be effective while also putting the fish through least amounts of stress?
Tank parameters are as follows:
Ammonia - 0
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - approx 20 ppm and since did a water change and waiting a bit before I test again

Lastly there are no other white areas or any signs of disease or damage I can see, the spots are on the glass from what I can tell. If I remember correctly its tankmates at the store were was a type of butterfly fish (not copperband) and a boxfish/puffer (small) of some sort, I just remember it being roundish. The employee also mentioned it was a new arrival so damage could have been from before. Fish is swimming, not darting, but not "lethargic" either, eating fine, only goes in the sand bowl when lights are out so doesn't seem frightened. Hangs pretty exclusively at the bottom 15% of the tank (this could be du to new surroundings or the fin).

fish fin.PNG

Jay Hemdal

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Yes, that does look like simple damage, perhaps with a slight bit of infection. As long as the fish is eating good and behaving normally, you don’t need to treat with antibiotics. What is your treatment plan for ich and other protozoans?


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my plan is to treat the internal worms for 2.5 weeks or as needed. Let the fins heal some (I’m unaware if treating with copper will stunt repair) after internal treatment is finished move newly converted black molly to QT and observe, this way if I don’t have to treat with copper or prazipro I won’t since I hear wrasses are less tolerant of these two meds. Do you have any suggestions? I guess if copper power is needed should I do 1.75 ppm or 2.0? For prazipro do I aerate before or during or can I leave the bubbler on for the duration as I know oxygen is stripped with this med. Anything else I should treat for proactively, should I treat with prazi and/or copper regardless if the mollies show signs? I know flukes can be hard to spot, should I treat with general cure for that too? I guess I’m using the mollies to detect ich and velvet mostly.

I apologize for all the questions as this is my first ever QT and thanks for the help

Jay Hemdal

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Also can general cure be used both internally and externally at the same time without much negative effect to the fish
I've found that Coppersafe is well tolerated by wrasses at the label instructions. You should always aerate well when dosing with Prazipro or General Cure. I've never had any issues with wrasses and those meds as long as I had good aeration (not just circulation, but something that breaks the surface tension really well).

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