First Tank



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So I admit, I'm now 7 months in and finally starting a build thread. I have started and stopped many times before... finally planning to start sharing my journey. There is a wealth of knowledge on this forum and it has been so helpful already - I'm thankful I found it early on and for all the help with my random newbie questions. I need to spend more time in the photography threads, my photos never seem to catch what they eye sees despite my efforts thus far - so just a few are included.

Anyways, here it goes...

I have always wanted a saltwater tank - the colors, the mini-ecosystem, the peace and calm that comes with just watching it. Over 5 years ago a friend upgraded their tank and gave us the old system.. pump, lights, rodi, filter, large acrylic tank. I was sooooo excited. All we needed was a stand, buff the tank and get going. Fast forward early 2022 and we FINALLY make a stand and decide we're ready to invest and spend the time to do things right. In the process we get talked into buying a new tank/stand (so now we have the option for a second or to sell the first)... so we set up a Red Sea Reefer XL 525 and got new EcoTech Marine XR30 lights as well.

I played with the dry rock and built and arch and small caves, slowly been adding rock (understand now why the recommendation was so much and we were way under). Once water and live sand was added it was so hard to just wait... but wait we did.

We started with fish - likely out of impulse more than smart... we knew we wanted a reef but also understood we needed more time before corals could be added. The tank is in my office and I wanted life - so in popped the clowns, cardinals, and firefish. We resisted more with the understanding corals would be easier to get started with less fish. Shortly after we saw the algae start and color on the sand, so added a small cleanup crew. We put stuff in the refugium portion of the tank as well... this was far too early - it still hasn't taken off like I'd like with growing algae sadly, though the copapod population is big and strong now.

When things had been running a few months, we finally started getting a few beginner corals - may have still been too early but those I was talking with said ok and really as soon as a "you're good to go" was heard it was hard not to just go all in. We added a doser for magnesium, reef code A & B, and reef fuel. Along with a hammer, pulsing xenia, acans, and a birds nest. They thankfully survived my impulse for adding to the tank. We also added a pistol shrimp, watchman goby, foxfire, and scopas tang. Yes, yes, I was trying to avoid more fish - but figured algae eaters would be a good add and the goby was just too cute.

From there, corals have slowly been added in groups - a handful here, a handful there, with a few gifted along the way. Despite my attempts to research and fully understand them, a few did make it into the tank earlier than they should've... and a few I've not identified specifically... however, all but 2 have survived. Well, minus a few cloves, a toadstool, and zoas that the ruby crab decided were a tasty snack. He is spoiled and handfed now in attempt to keep him from snacking on corals until the desired algae growth on the rocks is his choice meal. I think we've been fortunate all in all.

I would honestly like more coral life/variation- but I also don't want to add more before I should so I've stuck with more of the beginner guys... I feel bad for the two corals and few fish lost along the way. I understand it's fairly inevitable, but I don't want to increase the odds (esp not intentionally).

As we stand today..

Fish & Inverts:
Clown pair
Banggai Cardinal pair
Watchman goby
Pin Cushion Urchin
Skunk Shrimp
Pistol Shrimp
Sandsifting Starfish
Conch (2)
Mix of hermits and snails

Pulsing Xenia
Acans (3)
Hammers (2)
Purple Pavona
Blue Pavona
White Tip Toadstool
Pink Blastomussa
Cloudberry Chalice
Bruce Banner Leptastrea
Electric Lemonade Anacropora
Purple Gorgonian
Duncan (3)
Aussie Pipe Organ
Green toadstool
Orange Yuma
Jack-o-lantern (entrusting something, I don't have the type noted)
Zoas (2 color groups)
Pit Viper Leptastrea
Marvel Cyphastrea
Hollywood Stunner Chalice
Teal Candycane
Fuzzy Shroom
Lava Lamp
Alien Yuma
Neptune Bounce
Beattle Juice Bounce
Red Montipora
Green Star Polyp
Red Orange Rhodactis
Green Plate Coral
2 unknown polyp type corals

Yes, I understand the abundance of mushrooms could become a problem - I like their colors though so for now, they work. They could be sold eventually or help populate the acrylic tank should we buff it and give it a go too... now that we know there is no reason not to. We were talked into the new tank because we were told it may be near end of life and were worried about leaks. Live and learn...

So far, the xenia has poofed out but not spread like crazy as we were warned originally. I really do like watching it though so very happy we took the risk. It is on it's own rock just in case. The duncans are filling out and sprouting new heads which is neat to watch and we enjoy the movement they add to the tank. The pavonas are finally starting to grow on the rocks. The green star polyps we'll have to watch, they're spreading fast on the bottom rock (higher is barely growing). And the red orange rhodactics and orange yuma have multiplied. We're finally seeing the corals grow and it is very exciting as we watch the reef fill out slowly.

Other than a mandarin goby, I don't have anyone else specific I want yet - though it would be nice to get more fish life. I'd love recommendations on peaceful guys - I understand the clowns could be meanies and the scopas is debatable (though I haven't seen them pick on anyone).

Up in the air on what corals would be next - the acans and leptastreas recently retracted so just watching them for now to be sure everyone is happy. Everyone else certainly seems to be and everything is testing fine... I've been watching nitrates, pH, alkalinity, calcium, phosphates, and magnesium. With water changes (1/4 - 1/3) every other week... If there's anything else to check or something I should be doing that I'm not, I am all ears (or eyes as the case may be).

This has become rather long, so thank you if you've stuck with me this far. That's our summed up 7 mo journey... refugium tips, fish/coral recommendations, general guidance- all always welcome and greatly appreciated.

Picsart_22-10-26_15-42-36-507.jpg Picsart_22-10-26_15-37-35-987.jpg

Starting tank...


8 months in...


We added a fantasia goni and I think a zoa, maybe paly, of some sort (mystery Black Friday corals) from TSA and a few new fishie friends. It was time for a lawnmower benny and, well, I simply couldn't resist the blue hippo tang and green mandarin. Our copapods are thriving in the refugium (quite frankly they ick me out as they just look like a swarm of bugs). As I understand it, that means the tank should be too - but just incase I moved two large shelf rocks that have been down there and figure I can move more if the mandarin looks like he isn't eating enough.

While I still have much to learn on tank photography, it really is neat to see the growth so I'm trying to be better at it.

Really hoping it's not too soon for him - danger of mystery frags I guess... so far it seems split on really easy to really hard to care for depending on sorce, so fingers crossed.



And if anyone knows what exactly this is, it'd be greatly appreciated...

As always, any tips/tricks/recommendations are welcome. Thank you for sharing this journey with me.
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Top Shelf Aquatics
Top Shelf Aquatics


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I know this is a take it slow hobby... sometimes I feel like nothing is happening in the tank. Love watching it still, just get in my head about how slow it is at times. Then I look back at pictures and realize it just feels that way because I see it daily so the little changes are missed. Still have a LONG way to go to be like those beautiful full reef tanks - but I'm actually to the point of second guessing coral placements with sweeper tentacles. Wondering if it's time to start considering updates/changes to the aquascape.

Last September, 7 months in...

April 2023

Top Shelf Aquatics

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8%