Final wrasse for a while


i cant think

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So, I’ve been reading around searching for a final wrasse once my Jade is gone (I think most people who enjoy wrasses know this already). So far I’ve gone through the genera Anampses, Macropharyngodon, Cirrhilabrus, Paracheilinus, Halichoeres. The ones that have stood out the most so far have been:

Pintail Fairy Wrasse
African Long Fin Fairy Wrasse
Yellow Tail Tamarin Wrasse
Black Back/China Wrasse
Lined Tamarin Wrasse
Femininus Tamarin Wrasse
Red Tail Tamarin Wrasse
Choati Leopard Wrasse
Black Leopard Wrasse
Meleagris Leopard Wrasse
Potters Leopard Wrasse
Kuiteri Leopard Wrasse
Viviens Leopard Wrasse
Black Fin Mccoskers Flasher Wrasse
Yellow Fin Flasher Wrasse
Red Fin Flasher Wrasse
Diamond Tail Flasher Wrasse
Madagascan Half-Bar Flasher Wrasse
Blue Flasher Wrasse
Eight Line Flasher Wrasse
Radiant Wrasse
Adorned Wrasse
Red Lined Wrasse
Timor Wrasse
Canary/Yellow “Coris” Wrasse
Silvery Belly Wrasse
Earmuff Wrasse

That’s not even all of them, the wrasses I own at the moment are:

Naoko Fairy Wrasse
Indo Lubbocki Fairy Wrasse
Cebu Lubbocki Fairy Wrasse
Black Fin/Margin Fairy Wrasse
Blue Star Leopard Wrasse
Radiant Wrasse

The Black Margin is alright with other wrasses and will only flare his fins up as he swims past other fairy wrasses to assert dominance. My naoko does the same except with the pink streak wrasse in the nano, the Blue Star and Naoko aren’t in the 4’ yet however when they both reach Atleast 3 inch if not a bit bigger, they will go into the 4’ tank.
I would love to have a female iridis however I fear when I get rid of the Jade my current female will transition but I would much rather have the female colouration over male colours. I’d love to get some ideas of what would do better in my tank compared to others, and hopefully lower it to one or two (It’ll probably be two if I go with the second female iridis)
i cant think

i cant think

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Can you please explain? If I understand correctly all the wrasses in the top list died?
The ones in the top list are ones that have caught my eye over the past two years, the ones on the bottom list are ones I currently own. I have owned the Silvery Belly before but it was only a few months before it died. I have cared for wrasses from each genus breifly in an LFS I worked in. I’m trying to lower the list down to one or two (Three at a max) depending on how they would get along with the current wrasses. They’re all rather peaceful and the three fairies are dealing with a change in the hierarchy.


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i had an 8 line flasher wrasse... show stopper!!! was a female that turned into a male. Its display dance was something else. Sadly, flashers don't live long. but i would certainly buy it again.


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from you list, i had

Pintail Fairy Wrasse -> 'Flash Gordon' purchased a male, lasted about 2 years. Nice colour, but kinda of boring.
Yellow Tail Tamarin Wrasse -> 'Panda' purchased and nursed onto prepared food - still in the tank - about 3 years old. Very beautiful fish
Black Leopard Wrasse -> "Keyser Söze"; beautiful! spent most of his time in the sand; would only come out at night, sadly passed away 6 month in.
Meleagris Leopard Wrasse -> been trying to keep this fish for a while. I though i finally cracked it; got a healthy specimen, fed it live brine shimp while it was in QT. Went into the display, looked good, then mysteriously died a month later... trying again, have a female currently in QT.
Kuiteri Leopard Wrasse... had it for about 3 years.. kinda of boring in terms of color relative to other leopards. Regret spending the money on it.
Eight Line Flasher Wrasse... 'Ocho" QT'ed along with the pintail fairy wrasse; amazing colors during the nuptial dance. would buy again.
Canary/Yellow “Coris” Wrasse ... Got a tiny juvi, turned into a male. lived in my tank for a couple of years, but sadly, carpet surfed a couple of days before my custom lid arrived. very active and the color is really special. Like a yellow torpedo going around the tank. That little rainbow patch that the males get around their cheek is also cool. would buy a again.

Out of the wrasses you have, i owned
Naoko Fairy Wrasse - "Dr. No", QTed with a melnarus, added to the display, Dr. No became an evil villan and was bulling the melanarus to death... he had to go.. found another home for him
Blue Star Leopard Wrasse... "Piano"... started as a beautiful female but then turned into a male in the span of aobut a year... got really large so i rehomed him as my reefer 250 (55 gal display) didn't seems like a good fit.

good luck with the hunt... wrasses are my favourite fish!
i cant think

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I’m still hunting - Surprisingly my naoko isn’t a bully. But man he’s a slow grower, I would love to have him in my 4’ tank however the Lubbock’s own the tank (Melanomarginatus, Jade, Radiant are all afraid of the two).

I have a suspected transitioning phase male Radiant and a definite transitional phase Jade. I think I got lucky in which I got a peaceful Jade since the only bit of aggression I’ve seen was with the initial aggression of dominance over the radiant.
Top Shelf Aquatics


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So, I’ve been reading around searching for a final wrasse once my Jade is gone (I think most people who enjoy wrasses know this already). So far I’ve gone through the genera Anampses, Macropharyngodon, Cirrhilabrus, Paracheilinus, Halichoeres. The ones that have stood out the most so far have been:

Pintail Fairy Wrasse
African Long Fin Fairy Wrasse
Yellow Tail Tamarin Wrasse
Black Back/China Wrasse
Lined Tamarin Wrasse
Femininus Tamarin Wrasse
Red Tail Tamarin Wrasse
Choati Leopard Wrasse
Black Leopard Wrasse
Meleagris Leopard Wrasse
Potters Leopard Wrasse
Kuiteri Leopard Wrasse
Viviens Leopard Wrasse
Black Fin Mccoskers Flasher Wrasse
Yellow Fin Flasher Wrasse
Red Fin Flasher Wrasse
Diamond Tail Flasher Wrasse
Madagascan Half-Bar Flasher Wrasse
Blue Flasher Wrasse
Eight Line Flasher Wrasse
Radiant Wrasse
Adorned Wrasse
Red Lined Wrasse
Timor Wrasse
Canary/Yellow “Coris” Wrasse
Silvery Belly Wrasse
Earmuff Wrasse

That’s not even all of them, the wrasses I own at the moment are:

Naoko Fairy Wrasse
Indo Lubbocki Fairy Wrasse
Cebu Lubbocki Fairy Wrasse
Black Fin/Margin Fairy Wrasse
Blue Star Leopard Wrasse
Radiant Wrasse

The Black Margin is alright with other wrasses and will only flare his fins up as he swims past other fairy wrasses to assert dominance. My naoko does the same except with the pink streak wrasse in the nano, the Blue Star and Naoko aren’t in the 4’ yet however when they both reach Atleast 3 inch if not a bit bigger, they will go into the 4’ tank.
I would love to have a female iridis however I fear when I get rid of the Jade my current female will transition but I would much rather have the female colouration over male colours. I’d love to get some ideas of what would do better in my tank compared to others, and hopefully lower it to one or two (It’ll probably be two if I go with the second female iridis)
ok I misread that, I thought the first list is what you had, I was gonna say PICS! lol

The Timor Jewels are amazing in person, Id have to pick it out WYSIWYG though
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i cant think

i cant think

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ok I misread that, I thought the first list is what you had, I was gonna say PICS! lol
I wish that I had the whole top list! Choati and Chrycosephalus are my dream fish.

I think I can safely say the list has gotten bigger after seeing some of these wrasses in person. So far I’m at:

- Chrycosephalus (Red Tailed Tamarin)
- Neoguinaicus (Black Back/China)
- Femininus (Blue Lined Tamarin)
- Choati (Choat’s Leopard)
- Geoffroyi (Potters Leopard)
- Cyanoguttatus (Blue Spotted Leopard)
- Negrosensis (Black Leopard)
- Kuiteri (Kuiter’s Leopard)
- Meleagris (Leopard)
- Tongeanensis (Tongan Flasher)
- Rubricaudalis (Red Tailed Flasher)
- Piscilineatus (Mauritian Flasher)
- Mccoskeri (McCoskers Flasher)
- Hemitaeniatus (Madagascan Half Bar Flasher)
- Flavianalis (Yellow Fin Flasher)
- Bellae (Bell’s Flasher)
- Isosceles (PinTail Fairy)
- Katoi (Kato’s Fairy)
- Wakanda (Vibranium Fairy)
- Jordani (Flame Fairy)
- Aquamarinus (Red Head Solon Fairy)
- Rhomboidalis (Rhomboid Fairy)
- Rubrisquamis (Red Velvet Fairy)
- Shutmani (Magma Fairy)
- Lanceolatus (PinTail Fairy Wrasse)
- Bathyphilus (Hooded Fairy)
- Greeni (Sunset Fairy)
- Johnsoni (Johnson’s Fairy)
- Cirrhilabrus apterygia (Mutant/Connie’s Fairy)
- Iridis (Radiant)
- Pallidus (Pale/Babi)
- Timorensis (Timor)
- Leucoxanthus (Silver Belly)
- Hortulanus (Checkerboard)
- Adornatus (Adorned)
- Melanochir (OrangeFin)
- Margaritaceus (PinkBelly/Bleeding Heart)
- Cosmetus (Green Face)
- Melasmapomus (Earmuff)
- Margaritaceus (Gold Nugget)
- Caeruleus (Green Bird Mouth)
- Varius (Bird Mouth)
- Lucasanum (Cortez Rainbow)
- Purpureum (Surge)
- Pavo (Ornate)
- Bifasciatum (Blue Head)
- Octotaenia (Eight Line)
- Sexstriatus (Six Line)
- Citrinus (Yellow Mystery)
- Tetrataenia (Four Line)
- Atavai (Sunset Pencil)
- Severnsi (Royal Pencil)
- Polynesica (Polynesian Pencil)
- Labrynthus (Labrynth Pencil)
- Zeus (Slender Wrasse)

This isn’t the whole list still however it is a good portion of it (The rest are all aggressive wrasses).


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cross off the Pseudocheilinus, the Gomphosus and Thalassoma.... not reef safe, can get crazy aggressive; you should check out @evovled's guide to reef safe wrasses - very knowledgeable, great advice!
Nutramar Foods
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cross off the Pseudocheilinus, the Gomphosus and Thalassoma.... not reef safe, can get crazy aggressive; you should check out @evovled's guide to reef safe wrasses - very knowledgeable, great advice!
Yeah, I knew the risks but hey:
Look at the jade wrasse and black margin fairy wrasse and see what they’re known for them compare it to my tank haha.


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The Choati is probably one of the most sought after wrasses and for good reason. While they are stunning, they are very very difficult to keep. If I were you I would add the pintail. That’s one of my favorite wrasses and the colors are amazing
Nutramar Foods


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I agree with removing the aggressive ones. Some of those are so mean they sometimes outright kill tankmates. I would not risk your beautiful fish when there are so many safer ones to add that are just as nice or nicer.

If money and failure are not a concern.... I would do a tamarin or a choati


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The wrasse that I recommended are
P. octotaenia,
P. attenuatus
A. neoguinaicus

I would avoid Leopard wrasse, since I heard bad things about male M. bipartitus with other Leopards. If you want pairs or harems like me, then I recommended several A. neoguinaicus or H. iridis.
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I ended up adding 2 other wrasses to my 4’ tank as well as lost one earlier in the summer unfortunately so now my wrasse gang is sat at;
- Paracheilinus sp. (Potential Hybrid)
- Halichoeres chlorotperus
- Halichoeres iridis
- Cirrhilabrus naokoae
- Cirrhilabrus lubbocki (Cebu)
- Cirrhilabrus lubbocki (Indonesian)
Nutramar Foods

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

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  • 2 to 4 heads.

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  • Full colony.

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