Feather duster tentacle hitchhiker


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Jun 17, 2024
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Hi everyone I am new to reef2reef so I might not know everything about this, And I just got my first tank which is a 13.5 evo. I have 2 clowns, a watchman goby and pistol shrimp pair, a feather duster worm and a couple of snails and hermits. When I got my feather duster there were these clear tentacles that were the width of fishing string on it. They looked like they were alive and I have no clue what they are. Im pretty sure that It isn't aiptasia, If anyone has any clue what they are or what to do with them then any info would be much appreciated. There were only 2-3 tentacles and they have been in the sand for a while now, I moved the feather duster and the tentacles are still in the original spot. They will come out of the sand from Time to time but just the tentacles show.

Also separate question, the duster is bent over looking and I have no clue is that is good or not.
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