Every pet owner should know the dangers of snack bags


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Feb 8, 2020
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I'm posting this is because I'm devastated, riddled with guilt, and I honestly don't know what else to do with myself. Today I came home from the gym to find my 13 month old Corgi, Milo, dead on my kitchen floor with his head in a chip bag.

I had unknowingly left it out which he got into and suffocated. I've replayed every decision, every action in my head and if I would have known that that bag could be so fatal I would have done so many things differently. I've always worried about choking on treats or toys or eating grapes or chocolate. I never thought about how dangerous a chip bag could be.

I took to Google to figure out how this could happen and apparently it's way more common than I ever would have thought. So common in fact that I can't believe I've never heard anything about it.

I keep replaying the day over and over, so many things I could have done differently. I'm angry with myself and exhausted from all the tears. But I can't change the past so I'm going to do everything I can think of to spread this message.

****Please cut any food bags on both ends and along a side to be safe, even if you're throwing them away. Not only could this save your dog or cat but it could save wildlife as well.*****

Don't learn this lesson the way I did :(

My sweet Milo, you were loved your whole life and I will miss you the rest of mine.

Blue Spot Octopus

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I am so sorry for your loss.

Just yesterday the same thing kinda happened to our cat, we figured it out because she was panicking and clearing the kitchen table off, I thought it was funny to feed her in the large bag of treats, her head fit no problem BUT not the normal size bag. She if fine, lucky we were home at the time, she will not eat from the bag anymore it scared her enough.
Nutramar Foods

Blue Spot Octopus

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Yes the lost of a pet is devastating and we also want that moment back in time, I am really sorry for your loss, all we can do is go forward.

We lost our only dog a Jack Russel that we called Bogart and his nick name was Boggie Boo we only had him for three years his twin sister our other cat lived over 20 years, everyday we were reminded of him when we saw her.


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Feb 8, 2020
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Oh dear, that must have been very hard. I can't imagine having another dog right now that looks like Milo. He was a pretty standard colored Corgi so many other ones look like him and that's hard enough.
I just miss him so much, but all I can do is try to move through and keep telling people about the dangers of food bags.

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