ESV Users - Need Guidance, Salt Mixing Low



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Nov 1, 2021
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Twin Cities, MN
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TL;DR - Followed the ESV mixing directions to a T and my salinity is low in the concentrated mix before dilution. Not sure if I should adjust Sodium Chloride or all components and don't want to test every time I mix to determine which is right.

So I just mixed up my 2nd batch of ESV salt. The first was a s&!t-show as I didn't know my exact water volume I was mixing and my salinity came out low which indicated to me that I needed to increase my dosage of all 4 ingredients. I ended up testing all parameters and eventually got comfortable that they were within a reasonable range.

This time however, I knew my exact water volume at 18gallons (measured with a constant 1g jug marked for 1g using an accupore 1g measuring pitcher and weighed), so I added 18gallons to my 20g Brute and added the ingredients calculated for 19.5gallons so I would just need to dilute at the end and be done. The ingredients were measured out by volume and then added to a scale. I went with the scale amount, but outside of magnesium sulfate - which was a little bit lower in weight than by volume - they were very consistent between volume and weight measurements.

However, after adding these components weighed/measured for 19.5g I got a salinity of 1.0248-1.0249 (TM high precision hydrometer) which is already lower than ESV spec of 1.0256 despite being a slightly concentrated mix.

My question is... now what... If it had mixed above 1.0256 as the directions stated it should have I would have diluted, tested parameters and run with it. Now it calls into question whether just the salinity is off from the instructions or if all parts/parameters are off. Hobby grade test kits aren't likely going to be accurate enough to know. But if all parts are off it's just going to be a game of guess and check if I want to mix up a different volume of saltwater each time.

My tank is sitting at 70ppm NO3 after cycling and has been for a bit (QT fish have been taking all my free time) so I'd like to get that out before it potentially leaches into sandbed or rock (whether this actually happens or not with N03 produced with straight ammonium chlord, I still have to research/start a thread)

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