@ fishmedics
Just purchased this canary wrasse a few days ago. Thursday to be exact. Was in copper at the store for 30 days prior to being shipped. Did not QT the fish. Has been eating brine and mysies shrimp since he went in. It was out swimming all morning, then I noticed it on the bottom listing. Breathing very fast. Like to breaths per second. Gets up and swims, then back on the sand bed. I noticed a reddish mark on his body about half way down on one side. I took a video and removed it to take pics. I have not seen any aggression.
Ph 8.3
Dkh 8.3
NO3 6.7
PO4 .13
Salinity 35
Temp 77
Calc 367
Mag 1398
ORP 301
Just purchased this canary wrasse a few days ago. Thursday to be exact. Was in copper at the store for 30 days prior to being shipped. Did not QT the fish. Has been eating brine and mysies shrimp since he went in. It was out swimming all morning, then I noticed it on the bottom listing. Breathing very fast. Like to breaths per second. Gets up and swims, then back on the sand bed. I noticed a reddish mark on his body about half way down on one side. I took a video and removed it to take pics. I have not seen any aggression.
Ph 8.3
Dkh 8.3
NO3 6.7
PO4 .13
Salinity 35
Temp 77
Calc 367
Mag 1398
ORP 301