EMERGENCY Chromis Fin and Body Damage

Dog Whiskey

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Dec 12, 2021
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I have a blue green chromis who has some pretty severe fin and body damage. It's in major stress (breathing fast) and is missing one pectoral fin. There is also damage to the tail and the body itself behind the pectoral fin.

I haven't seen anyone chasing it and it's been interacting with other fish regularly. I do have a wavemaker and wonder if it somehow got harmed by it as all the damage is on one side of the body and body damage looks like blunt trauma, not biting. I'm not saying it couldn't be aggression, just that when I've seen aggression it's looked different.

The photo shows the missing fin. The body damage is the large pinkish-white blob directly under the pectoral fins (those are both intact best I can tell). It's currently swimming at the top of the tank and did not eat dinner (normally a pig).

I have Ruby Rally Pro and can dose the tank but haven't done so since adding a bubble time anemone, which was the last addition to the tank. Tank is mostly fish, with two leather corals and two gorgonians.
Other inhabitants:
2 clownfish
coral beauty angel
blackcap basslet
starry goby
azure damsel (chromis normal buddy)
misc hermit crabs and snails

I have a very small DIY refugium where I could relocate the chromis overnight. But based on the body damage, does it appear the chromis is going to make it? And is Ruby Rally Pro safe for the bubble tip?

Sorry in advance for the quality of the photos -- I can't get anything better based on where it's hovering.




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I have a blue green chromis who has some pretty severe fin and body damage. It's in major stress (breathing fast) and is missing one pectoral fin. There is also damage to the tail and the body itself behind the pectoral fin.

I haven't seen anyone chasing it and it's been interacting with other fish regularly. I do have a wavemaker and wonder if it somehow got harmed by it as all the damage is on one side of the body and body damage looks like blunt trauma, not biting. I'm not saying it couldn't be aggression, just that when I've seen aggression it's looked different.

The photo shows the missing fin. The body damage is the large pinkish-white blob directly under the pectoral fins (those are both intact best I can tell). It's currently swimming at the top of the tank and did not eat dinner (normally a pig).

I have Ruby Rally Pro and can dose the tank but haven't done so since adding a bubble time anemone, which was the last addition to the tank. Tank is mostly fish, with two leather corals and two gorgonians.
Other inhabitants:
2 clownfish
coral beauty angel
blackcap basslet
starry goby
azure damsel (chromis normal buddy)
misc hermit crabs and snails

I have a very small DIY refugium where I could relocate the chromis overnight. But based on the body damage, does it appear the chromis is going to make it? And is Ruby Rally Pro safe for the bubble tip?

Sorry in advance for the quality of the photos -- I can't get anything better based on where it's hovering.


This is aggression damage as seen on both the tail and the body and is it in with axolotils?
Ruby would be safe with anemones and help with issue once you identify the source that is causing this.
What is your ammonia-salinity-ph and water temp?
Dog Whiskey

Dog Whiskey

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I'm not sure what axolotils are, so I'm going to guess no?
Ammonia is 0, PH 7.8 and salinity 1.023 on hydrometer. Temp is 78.
The weird thing is that I have seen zero chasing or anything to indicate aggression from another fish. The only fish that was aggressive was a killifish that came in as a hitchhiker and finally died.
Everyone else seems to get along.


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I'm not sure what axolotils are, so I'm going to guess no?
Ammonia is 0, PH 7.8 and salinity 1.023 on hydrometer. Temp is 78.
The weird thing is that I have seen zero chasing or anything to indicate aggression from another fish. The only fish that was aggressive was a killifish that came in as a hitchhiker and finally died.
Everyone else seems to get along.
For skin issues, these fish are susceptible to Uronema and often begins with uneaten food, waste and low salinity in which yours is low. Bump it up to 1.025
How are you testing ammonia?
Dog Whiskey

Dog Whiskey

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When looking at photos of Uronema and everything I see is reddish or reddish brown. On this fiis a white bruise on the body where there are no scales. His fin, however, is not missing (I guess he had it tacked to his body while swimming earlier?). Tail shows damage.
Just double checked salinity and it's 1.026.
Dog Whiskey

Dog Whiskey

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I guess also the big question is what to do tonight. I have a QT tank, but the HOB filter died and I don't have a working pump to aerate. The fish is obviously having trouble swimming and breathing. If it is uronema, is everyone else in the tank at risk too? And how would it have gotten in? I've literally had no additions to the tank in eitght months and no fishes added in well over a year. Aside from the chromis, everyone is captive bred.


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I have a blue green chromis who has some pretty severe fin and body damage. It's in major stress (breathing fast) and is missing one pectoral fin. There is also damage to the tail and the body itself behind the pectoral fin.

I haven't seen anyone chasing it and it's been interacting with other fish regularly. I do have a wavemaker and wonder if it somehow got harmed by it as all the damage is on one side of the body and body damage looks like blunt trauma, not biting. I'm not saying it couldn't be aggression, just that when I've seen aggression it's looked different.

The photo shows the missing fin. The body damage is the large pinkish-white blob directly under the pectoral fins (those are both intact best I can tell). It's currently swimming at the top of the tank and did not eat dinner (normally a pig).

I have Ruby Rally Pro and can dose the tank but haven't done so since adding a bubble time anemone, which was the last addition to the tank. Tank is mostly fish, with two leather corals and two gorgonians.
Other inhabitants:
2 clownfish
coral beauty angel
blackcap basslet
starry goby
azure damsel (chromis normal buddy)
misc hermit crabs and snails

I have a very small DIY refugium where I could relocate the chromis overnight. But based on the body damage, does it appear the chromis is going to make it? And is Ruby Rally Pro safe for the bubble tip?

Sorry in advance for the quality of the photos -- I can't get anything better based on where it's hovering.


You should treat it before it gets a secondary infection.
Treat out of tank if possible in a desperate holding tank.
Dog Whiskey

Dog Whiskey

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It just died :crying-face:
I'm going to take a look at the body in the morning to see if I see any reddish brown marks. Is there anything I should do for the main tank?
And thanks for the help.