Dvgy's 65Cube - Rise of the Reef


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Morning All,

Ziyaad (everyone calls me Dougy :D ) here from Cape Town, South Africa.

We are currently under full lock down in South Africa, so decided to start my build thread for my 650mm (+-26inchs, sorry we use the metric system in S.A) reef cube. At the end of last year i was wafting around looking for something to take up as hobby but also add some 'life' to my home. Stumbled across couple reef vlogs on youtube & was hooked.
Researched for the next couple of months, lurking mostly on reef2reef & local forum, MASA.

I ended up finding a pre-owned 650mm (25inchs) cube, it came with a stand & a 400mm (15inchs) cube tank. With start-up costs bit high, i was willing to go the pre-owned route on some of the required items for the build. But in my opinion some parts would need to be new.

My goal for the tank is a mix reef, so ill be setting tank up off bat to hold everything. Think its called future proofing? haha
But also understand the correct cycling of the tank is required, ill be patient.

Lets move onto the build..
650mm x 650mm x 600mm (h) (+- 25 x 25 x 24inchs) , 12mm Opti-clear glass Rimless + bottom bracing (+-250ltrs / 65gals).
When i purchased the tank i was aware of the dodgy silicone job & was planning on having it redone, really glad i did. The previous owner used some black acrylic to 'frame' the tank & i think hide the silicone job haha. The tank had 20mm return hole drilled, but needed overflow drilled. I got into contact with local tank builder to have everything sorted.
I purchased 2 x 40mm overflows, the 2nd would be the emergency overflow. I'm not sure what style they are called, but will show pics below. I liked the fact they came stop valve so i can control the overflow speed & sound, and small form factor. I was also able to get 25mm hi-flow return nozzle. The back of the tanks backing was some kind of black spray paint, it was peeling & after the rebuild it had flaked off at the bottom. Decided to strip it off & respray with matte black with Plasti-dip.

600mm x 300mm x 300mm (h) (24 x 11 x 11inchs) , 8mm glass (+-55ltrs / 15gals).
I was able to come to solid deal with tank builder, with reseal he also built my sump. With all my research the answer was the simpler the better. It made up of 3 main compartments, overflow > refugium > return. The sump was sized according to my stand, so i would have enough space for other bits to be added at later time. I wanted everything enclosed in the stand.

400mm x 400mm x 400mm (h) (15 x 15 x 15inchs, 6mm glass (+- 45ltrs / 11gals)
With the purchase i received a second tank, think he wanted to use it as sump. With my research one thing that stood out to me was the need for a quarantine tank.
So will set this up as one. Want to clean it up as well.

The stand had some surface rust but didn't look to bad. Decided to strip off paint & cleaned up the surface rust. Gave it 3 coats of primer & 3 coats of black acrylic paint. I was planning on painting it with waterproofing once everything was assembled. I had some 18mm shutter-board laying around, with bit of effort on finishing the board can look nice. Proceeded to cut it up to size, with it being lock down i didnt have all the supplies & want to finish what i could. Cut the top & bottom, as well as the 'fascia edging' for the top. Wish i had skill saw haha straight edge + jig saw not the best.
So here's the first hiccup, the top was screwed in place, move to the bottom. As i got to the 3rd last screw, it pulled straight through the metal tubing hahaha it was nearly paper thin from corrosion. Before i got the tank the owner filled tank up for me for a leak test. the stand looked fine supporting it. But with the screw story i decided to bin it cause I'm not sure of its integrity.
Will have to wait until after lock down to see what my route will be. I have high floor to ceiling height so build the stand 1300mm high, will also do some form of lighting support attached to new stand. The lights can then be mounted high enough off the water surface. Shot @Alemoki for the idea.:cool:

Mechanical filtration:
BM Curve 5 skimmer - Picked up pre-owned unit for a steal. Already ordered upgraded bubble plate from fellow reefer, @Alemoki .
Deciding on filter socks or filter mat, any recommendations?

Biological filtration:
Cheato in the fuge
Bio-blox / brick, any recommendations?
Will be looking at adding live rock.

Pumps / Flow: (still to get)
Return pump - Jebao Dcp-3000 Water Pump or the Dcp-4000. The norm seems to be 10x tank turnover, but i might run it slower. Giving food better chance of staying in the DT water column.
Flow - Undecided about this, either get multiple small wave makers or get 1 or 2 Gyre type wave makers.

Lighting: (still to get)
This is my biggest sticking point hahah I am so undecided about which route to go.
I have access to purchasing an ATI T5 6x24w dimmable fixture, with me wanting a mix reef, lighting it would need to be able to maintain SPS. T5 sure does the job both with PAR & coverage. With that said the color pop of the corals would better with LED supplementation. But then its buying another 2 fixtures i.e LED bars.
To get the coverage i want with LED lights i would have to go for proper lighting, 2 x hydra26's or something similar. Or the diy route, theres a gent locally in process of manufacturing his own brand of light. But i have time to decide on this.
Id appreciate some input on this.

Others: (still to get)
UV sterilizer - when i plumb up the tank allowance will be made for this.
STC1000 temp controller
2 x Cooling Fans - will linked up to controller.
2 x 150w heaters - will linked up to controller

That's it for now, unfortunately nothing i can do or get for the build until lock downs done, another 2weeks atleast. As my title read - Rise of the Reef, im bitv of geek & will be adding something to tank as my 'geekout' piece haha also have couple ideas for my aquascape.

Please see pics below...
When i collected the tank... dreary state of the silicone..

Overflows + return nozzle...

BM Curve 5 stripped for a clean

DT back from the builder..

Backing peeling off & resprayed...


Stoked with the finish.. glass will be thoroughly cleaned once all work is done.

Here pic of the stand & the sump..pity about the stand tho..


Thank you for reading, i know its long one hahaha
Appreciate any comments as I'm here to learn.;Happy
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Nutramar Foods


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Evening All,

Been bit quiet this side with the build with lock-down still happening in South Africa.
We dropped a level of lock-down and some businesses have started opening up.

With that said was able to get majority of my plumbing bits sorted, piping & fittings.
Also ordered majority of my hardware, should all be here by next week.
Decided to go with wooden stand, I have a guy that's been doing my carpentry work for years so he'll be building it.

Highlight from last week was winning an Instagram competition, local reefer (ig- @rbl_reef ) & his LFS (Viking Aquatics) sponsored it. I won 10kg Poseidons Lair ProReef salt, its local brand started in the last year or so. Will be collecting my price this weekend;Happy Super stoked, spoke to couple guys using it & they happy with product. I'm always for supporting our local guys if the product is good.

Some pics..
Plumbing bits lol alot more piping on the side :)


The 3/4" return hole was odd for finding a 'easy' fitting, here locally so did a morph. Was my fault as when i bought the high flow nozzle (1") didn't check the existing hole size.
After taking the pic i realized i could get rid of the one bulkhead nut on the water side.


Finally pic of the reef salt i won.. :cool:


Thanks for reading, comments always welcome. Hopefully next couple of weeks things move bit faster with the build & will definitely keep you guys updated!
Keep Safe all.


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Evening all,

Another lil update..
Collected my Salt i won through the competition, was really cool getting to meet another local reefer. With a solid 2m distance between us haha, the times we live in haha
Also was first time leaving the house for something besides the essential food run. I'm lucky enough to be able to work from home & probably will for the rest of the year. Besides having to do site inspections on construction site iv worked on.

Thanks again to Viking Aquatics / Poseidons Lair for the prize.

Dropped by another LFS (RBM aquatics) that had stock of some base rock.
Picked up abt 15kg og rock, not much to the eye. But i want to go for minimalist scape.

Lil tease..

Might get couple of extra pieces, nothings glued in place yet so ill play around bit more.
Thanks for reading, comments always welcome :)
Nutramar Foods


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Afternoon All,

So things have been coming together slowly. I was able to decide on light setup, a local reefer was able to assist. His been part of local scene for while. He had 2 new x Hsbao 90w LED (think these would be classified as chinese black box leds) lights for sale, so grabbed those. Also picked up a Conch slim 7 wave maker as part of the deal. I already purchased the Jebao slw20 wavemaker & was only going to run the one, but the deal on lights was sweet enough to grab a second wavemaker.
Stoked with both wave makers as they well constructed & slim compared to others on the market, both rated to same tank turn over.
The lights where delivered, i went for the slightly cheaper route as to get enough coverage on the tank & enough PAR. The guy i bought them from had them one over a frag tank & was able to grow SPS with them, The lights are programmable for sunrise / sunset simulation & has 4 controllable channels.
Im happy with quality & usability of these lights for the price i got them for. Currently the Rand (SA currency) to Dollar rate is so whack everything is gone up by 30% since lockdown started,

My was stand was delivered Monday past, was happy with finish but the carpenter got couple measurements incorrect. The stand is 1100mm tall lol i asked for 1050mm as height to match the height of my kitchen counter tops. He offered to redo it but decided to keep is as is. Thankfully i have high floor to ceiling height, so the tank is now at eye level. The cabinets top was also 20mm to short front to back hahaha wasn't impressed with this at all, as i had drawn it out on cad for him with dimensions. So his busy sorting correct size top. Cant seem to catch a break haha

Only HW im still waiting for is the STC-1000 temp controller, bitv off stuff up from supplier regarding this. But patience is part of the game.

Pic of the light..Tested one over the tank.. will running 2 side by side.

The Cabinet..designed to house all the tanks components.. (the mat will be removed once everything is complete, dont want to scratch flooring).
I had the carpenter install adjustable feet to adjust level correctly. The side panels also open as doors in case i needed access.


That's it for now, the top should arrive today n be swapped around. Will start plumbing in everything this weekend. I have some 3d printed bits on the way as well.
Thanks for reading comments welcome.:)


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Looking good !! Don’t believe i had the chance to formally welcome you.......
Welcome to the R2R community !!
Nutramar Foods


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@fishguy242 & @vetteguy53081 Thanks for the comments!

Update- Cabinet top was fixed to correct dimensions. Sorted out the plumbing over the weekend. Will be my first attempt at doing some like this so bare with me haha Open to advice lol
I do wanna update the system at later date to include a manifold, this would be to accommodate reactors etc.

Everything in place, i will glue everything some time this week.


Will double check everything is straight prior to gluing..

Everything will get washed clean, any recommendations what to use to clean the DT glass with?

Thanks for reading, comments welcome :D


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hi,make sure to put clamps on hose to pipe fittings ,great job on plumbing :cool: ,cleaning glass damp crumbled newspaper,no little specs of fuzzies;)have a great day,bedtime for me 06;20 here:)
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hi,make sure to put clamps on hose to pipe fittings ,great job on plumbing :cool: ,cleaning glass damp crumbled newspaper,no little specs of fuzzies;)have a great day,bedtime for me 06;20 here:)
hahah 3:30pm here in S.A. Also I do have stainless steel hose clamps just didnt bother putting them on yet haha


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Turned out real nice


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Morning All,

Small Update-
I redid the plumbing, i know now the UV would been better placed in line with manifold on the up lift pump side but decided to stick to initial design for now will try & incorporate a manifold at later stage.

New Plumbing layout.. i think its alot neater. I glued everything together & should be siliconing all the bits on the tank side in next day or so.

Since i started this journey iv been in contact with fellow local SA reefer, @Alemoki
His been very helpful over the last couple months with sharing information.
He also did some 3D printing of bits for the build. i.e controller holder etc. Really impressed with his workmanship & attention to detail.

STC100 controller Housing came out tops. will be mounting under the shelf
All wire up...just need more supplies for the cooling side wiring.

Also mounted all my pump controllers. My idea for cabinet was always to hide as much of the wires as possible & easy access from all sides.

Thanks again to Dane ( @Alemoki ) for the assistance & great product would recommend him to anyone for his services if you are in S.A.

Thats it for now will be tying up all loose end so this week & hopefully tank will be wet next ahaha

Thanks for reading, comments always welcome ;Happy


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Afternoon All,

Been bitv of a delay with finishing the tank over last 2 weeks, as my wife & myself welcomed our first child into the world. Crazy times to have a kid haha but all worth it.

Back to the tank-
I completed everything, installed all equipment & tested. I will be filling her this weekend, finished paternity leave this week so have mad scramble to catch up with work.

Some pictures..
Inside the cabinet, big shout out to @Alemoki for all the 3d printed goodies. Just made everything so much neater.
I also scored an ATU for a solid deal, so hooked that up as well.

Really happy with the lights, they are easy to use & with the 2 side by side i was able to get the coverage i was looking for with total of 180w (rated) over the tank to aid the fact i want a mix reef in terms of coral.
I went with dry marco rock for my scape. I know there are disadvantage to starting with dry rock, but i am willing to let tank mature. Will be going for Live sand substrate probably Red Sea Live sand, as its most readily available currently.



Will definitely be getting lens kit for my phone to take proper pics.
My fave pic so far haha lights at 60% blue, 30% white, 10% red / green / uv.
Once i am able to put corals in i will defo run lights lower power for acclimation.

Thats it for now, next time i update there will be water in haha super keen.
Thanks for reading, comments & advise always welcome ;Shamefullyembarrased
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