Dosing live baby brine shrimp into feeder box in tank?


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In my endless hunt for the perfect way to make my beloved Mandarin Goby fat and happy I found this video on YouTube.

I have a small 20g Waterbox that’s about two years old. I mix my own RO generated salt water and I’ve put a home made co2 scrubber on the skimmer to fix my PH issues. I really like the DIY aspect of this hobby. So it’s pretty stable now given its size. But I don’t have a sump or anywhere to hide and grow pods so I’m trying to add them often but feed brine shrimp daily.

Yes I’ve used the amazing Paul B invention, designed it to fit my little tank and 3d printed it. Worked really well but I could only feed once a day most of the shrink would leave the area relatively quickly I think maybe my mesh was too big and I’d like to drip feed through out the day.

This video shows fully grown brine shrimp being drip fed using something called an Aqua lifter pump but I hear they aren’t made any more. I want to do it with baby brine shrimp. I’m new to reefing and I haven’t used a doser, but could that do it? Have it pump tank water into the box at the top periodically and that would push more brine shrimp down into the feeding box?

I’ve also ordered a little dolls house light I’m going to put on the glass to keep the little babies in the feeding box area so my greedy Clowns and Flamehawk don’t get a second dinner all the time.

SO! My question is, would a doser do this or a modified top up pump? I just don’t know enough about these tools you guys who dose all the time and have more complicated tanks than I do?

Dread Pirate Dave

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Is this a similar pump?

Or possibly this one.