Donut delight! Have you kept a scoly?
There are many color patterns on scolymia corals (often called a scoly). While it is a good idea to research the specific type of scoly that you are thinking about getting, because they may have different requirements, scolys can be aggressive toward other corals. Additionally, they are carnivorous and can be target feed with meaty treats like brine shrimp and chopped seafood or can feast on microplankton out of the water column. Please let us know if you have kept a scoly and feel free to share any care tips or recommendations.
Photo by @Reefer831
This QOTD is sponsored by:
“The goal of Tidal Gardens is to offer the highest quality corals to those seeking a piece of that world without destroying it. We hope to instill a deep appreciation for the natural reefs and help develop a self-sustaining hobby that no longer requires the collection of fish and corals.”
There are many color patterns on scolymia corals (often called a scoly). While it is a good idea to research the specific type of scoly that you are thinking about getting, because they may have different requirements, scolys can be aggressive toward other corals. Additionally, they are carnivorous and can be target feed with meaty treats like brine shrimp and chopped seafood or can feast on microplankton out of the water column. Please let us know if you have kept a scoly and feel free to share any care tips or recommendations.
Photo by @Reefer831
This QOTD is sponsored by:
“The goal of Tidal Gardens is to offer the highest quality corals to those seeking a piece of that world without destroying it. We hope to instill a deep appreciation for the natural reefs and help develop a self-sustaining hobby that no longer requires the collection of fish and corals.”