Direct aiptasia removal from surfaces as the top removal option



why did you put a reef in that
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Dec 9, 2014
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notice in the thread the surface with aiptasia was removed from the reef, and what was beside the aiptasia frag was taken off and moved back onto the reef allowing the aiptasia + the surface it rode in on to be tossed

thats unbeatable control... this thread is for being thorough for once in aiptasia control and we can collect examples of that here.
Let’s say aiptasia pops up next to one of the frags moved/microscopic hitchhiker. It can be cut right out with a knife and strong pressure when noticed, live rock is crumbly when pressed with steel.

excluding aiptasia by force, by chipping it up and out of the crevice with a flat screwdriver belongs here-live rock can be worked in a way as to lift out the anemone and rinse it away.

fragmentation isn’t a problem if we are thorough, we can track growback issues here as proof. We are working externally typically and can easily rinse away spot areas with directed saltwater.

clipping off a tiny section of rock aiptasia hides in and setting the other section back would belong here, not just actions taken on a polyp then we wait and see if it works. Something decisive

gluing or plugging won’t work here in any way, thats leaving the target in the tank and nearly all this here will be external work.

This thread is not for aiptasia x or filefish or joes juice or lemon juice or boiling water or paste or glue

its solely for either scoring off aiptasia and taking some anchor surface with it, rough, or it’s for digging out a recession to rid the anemone, or something creative, we don’t need to glue a spot we are certain has no aiptasia... this thread is about how to be certain for that spot.

We solely want the kind of aiptasia controls the masses are not using featured here-show us your deliberate action against aiptasia. There’s one above. Small steps to total reef control and a side benefit, no retail waits and purchases required.

show us external, targeted work on aiptasia removal that’s so thorough you don’t second guess the initial move, there’s one above. It was surgical and precise and exclusive and creative.

Here is an example of Nudibranchs and Filefish NOT working:
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why did you put a reef in that
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I dont have the pics from the time one aiptasia popped up in my pico

but it was years ago, only happened once, and I had a pair of wire cutters handy and the aiptasia was sticking out anchored to this tiny jutting of live rock to the side.

clip, tiny nub of rock with anemone tossed, done.

this thread isn’t helpful for a 150 gallon tank allowed to overrun it’ll be a lot of chipping.
this is primarily for someone’s initial first take with them, we wanted to show a cheap/ free/ certain way that always works.

if you own a nano reef, and are willing to get uninvaded (rare) your anemone problems are done and this includes corallimorph mushroom removal and majanos as well.

electrical zappers aren’t wanted here, that’s opposite of our mode. Our mode is direct and uses tools we all have in the garage

we command a win vs hoping for one

Small butane torches are creative but that’s already been tried and gets growback--it’s not as thorough as actions that score or slightly harm the substrate attachment point.

I haven't updated this thread with a new job in 1.5 years, because it's been all excuses since then. it is very, very hard to find someone simply willing to initiate the win, the vast majority are helpless in the presence of such a powerful anemone.

this below is why we don't go and add animals in response to anemones:

when you read an aiptasia help thread, were the helpers relaying biosecurity risks as they recommend filefish, nudibranchs, peppermint shrimp by the dozens?

we simply take action here. backseating is what gets us invaded, taking the wheel gets us uninvaded and we will be fixing your aiptasia issue without bringing in fish disease and wiping out your system six months later

we have a way to prevent aiptasia invasions, right here, once someone is ready. I'm awaiting the first willing party.
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why did you put a reef in that
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that's pretty close to what we do here for aiptasia.

take note of these details:

look how many shrooms he had to control, over a hundred. he did not hesitate. his resolve is the most important part of the entire process.

Tools used: tap hammer, screwdriver, razor, metal-on-rock

it was not a brush or an injection, or an animal that breaks biosecurity and kills all his fish six months later.

look at how excuse-free he was/he was ready to win, and he did win.

size of tank was not a factor

his reef rock being locked in a delicate inaccessible arch was not a factor

he did not violate any biosecurity issues

he commanded a win, nobody commands win in aiptasia help posts they're frozen by inaction. Keepers cause their own aiptasia issues by refusing to command a win. that above is commanding a rhodactis win.

Every aiptasia help thread you see on forums is opposite of this above, they're excuse laden and that's what the anemone needs to take over.
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why did you put a reef in that
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this is a bump in case someone is ready to win, and ready to forego excuses and ready to not let a little anemone completely rule their setup

this thread is a building aiptasia work thread... we just need excuse-free reefers--anyone have aiptasia they want gone and they aren't providing any roadblocks in the process?

post here and your aiptasia will be handled live time. if you have a large tank, and let them build up to massive numbers, we wouldn't change the method you'd just have a higher price to pay than a pico reefer for such delay.

I bet someone with a nano reef is ready to win right now

work threads prevent arguing over best practices because they're solely results based. It wouldnt be possible to evaluate our method until we get some actual works on file, then the results will speak for themselves.
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