Dealing with pests: What chemical treatments do you use to treat unwanted algae?
Algae can be a pest and there are many ways to manage, reduce, or remove unwanted algae from our reef tanks. Often the process starts with manually removing the undesired algae and review the actions that led to the algae. Somewhere on the list of algae treatment may be the use of chemical treatments. Of course, there are various algae that respond to different treatments. What types of chemical treatments have you found to be effective and what algae have you use those solutions to impact? What methods have you found to be ineffective in fighting pest algae? If you choose not to use chemical algae treatments, please tell us why?
Bryopsis before treatment with Fluconazole; photo by @PiscesPower
Algae can be a pest and there are many ways to manage, reduce, or remove unwanted algae from our reef tanks. Often the process starts with manually removing the undesired algae and review the actions that led to the algae. Somewhere on the list of algae treatment may be the use of chemical treatments. Of course, there are various algae that respond to different treatments. What types of chemical treatments have you found to be effective and what algae have you use those solutions to impact? What methods have you found to be ineffective in fighting pest algae? If you choose not to use chemical algae treatments, please tell us why?
Bryopsis before treatment with Fluconazole; photo by @PiscesPower