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Oct 28, 2020
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Hi there! I’m new to the saltwater hobby and I’ve recently ordered a fluval evo 13.5 gallon aquarium. While researching, I’ve had some questions about cycling the aquarium that I’ve been unable to find answers to or that I’ve found answers to and want to clarify and confirm. My first question is do I have to add anything to start the cycle? I’m setting the aquarium up with live activated sand and live rock which I believe will be enough to start the cycle but I just want to make sure that there is nothing else I should add! My second question is should I leave the lights on or off while cycling? I’ve read that leaving the lights off with prevent unwanted algae from growing but I want to make sure that leaving the lights off won’t kill anything living on the live rock. My third question is should water changes only be done once the tank has fully cycled? I’ve read that if there is a major problem with water parameters during cycling that you should perform a water change but if not, the water should just be left alone. My last question is should the clean up crew be added after the cycle has finished?
Thank you in advance for any help or advice!
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Sep 24, 2020
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First, welcome to R2R!!

1. There will be nitrifying bacteria in the sand and rock already, but adding more/different strains like Dr. Tim's will speed the cycle up. Not required, but doesn't hurt.

2. Lights off during the cycle (except for quick photos for your build thread!).

3. Water changes only as required, but typically you want to wait so you aren't removing good bacteria. The water change post-cycle helps with the last stubborn nitrate removal (you still want some!) and adds some good minerals back into the tank.

4. Most inverts don't do well with high ammonia and/or nitrite. Wait until those numbers are down on the CUC.

Most importantly, take your time. Patience will set you up for success long term, and a lack of it will only make things more difficult (for you and the critters living in it).


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Aug 9, 2020
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Canton, Georgia USA
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If you have live rock which is coated in coralline algae I would have some lighting as that is one of it’s sources of life. if you have live rock that was just in a sump and not growing a bunch of stuff on it leave the lights off. I would also say you want some kind of either ghost feeding, ammonia, or mollies to feed the bacteria.

good luck and send pics when you get some progress.
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Sep 20, 2020
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Rolling Meadows
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Hi there! I’m new to the saltwater hobby and I’ve recently ordered a fluval evo 13.5 gallon aquarium. While researching, I’ve had some questions about cycling the aquarium that I’ve been unable to find answers to or that I’ve found answers to and want to clarify and confirm. My first question is do I have to add anything to start the cycle? I’m setting the aquarium up with live activated sand and live rock which I believe will be enough to start the cycle but I just want to make sure that there is nothing else I should add! My second question is should I leave the lights on or off while cycling? I’ve read that leaving the lights off with prevent unwanted algae from growing but I want to make sure that leaving the lights off won’t kill anything living on the live rock. My third question is should water changes only be done once the tank has fully cycled? I’ve read that if there is a major problem with water parameters during cycling that you should perform a water change but if not, the water should just be left alone. My last question is should the clean up crew be added after the cycle has finished?
Thank you in advance for any help or advice!
You can cycle this tank in days. As long as the live rock is cycled and the sand is. If you use NutriSeawater or the Ocean water. It’ll probably never cycle or barely. Always add beneficial Bacteria and wait a week to add anything to be safe. I’ve done it a bunch of times. That thing will be ready in a week. If you use RO and mix on salt I’d keep checking. Maybe drop a pellet of food. Your also dealing with less volume of water. So things could go fast. I’ve done tanks where I added fish in 1 day. It’s smart to weight tho cuz truthfully things won’t be their for a long time.

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8%
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