Cyano, Dinos, vermited snails and receding flesh

Tee's Reef

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Hi Reef-buds

I have a few questions! Mostly identification queries as I'm a noob and I have years of knowledge ahead of me that still needs to be obtained.

I'm about at the 5 month mark on my tank. Started with dry rock in the display and live rock in the sump. The system carries about 100 litres of water, and I run Reefsky a Q60 LED setup from 11:30 to 21:30.

I've been batting high Po4 for most of my journey as I like to spot feed corals but most of it was contributed to a daily dose of AB+. I only dose AB+ about twice a week and feed Reef Roids and mysis shrimp twice a week. Phosphates are at 1.0 and Nitrates at roughly 5. (It used to be 20)

Kdh is currently at 9 and the other parameters are within spec. I do a 20% water change every week.

Do I have Cyano or Dinos as seen in the pics below? Its almost as if I can't scrape it off, and I've never had low nutrient levels. You'll see the difference between when the lights are on and when they are off. Is the current level of green algae concerning at all? The red stuff can be seen better with the lights on.

I've also attached some pics of a torch with receding flesh. I see what appears to be a vermited snail at its base. I can't seem to get a clear picture of the snail itself but I snapped a pick of the same looking critter elsewhere.

I've slo noticed some critters that instantly retract into the rockwork if disturbed. Are they a cause for concern?

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Vermited snails yes, aptasia yes, GHA yes maybe cyano under the sand yes, etc... tank is 5 months old so ugly stages the first year. Phosphate way high needs to be .05 to .1. Reef roids causes high phosphate. Try some GFO or phosguard to lower it. Nitrates low, needs to be 10 to 15 which is why corals are receding. They are slowly starving to death. Feed more fish food maybe dose neonitro. Get a diverse cleaner crew including a few turbos and tuxedo urchins. Weekly water changes with manual removal. Raise magnesium to 1500 to combat GHA. Peppermint shrimp or nudibranch for aptasia. Dose phytoplankton daily and add pods. Dose PNS probio which is a natural heterotrophic bacteria that eliminates organic waste feeding algae. First year is rough. Build biodiversity and microfauna to strengthen biome.