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Current USA orbit IC false advertising?

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Nov 23, 2017
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Hey all.

I was curious if anyone else felt like Current USA used a false advertisement tactic on the reefing community. They have used false advertisement for over a year to sell items that have displayed on the box "bluetooth" and via their website say they support bluetooth and demo'd it at trade shows and retailers boast this claim as well. However they do not. When asked for over a year their simple response has been "soon". This product in no way shape or form has supported bluetooth since it was sold in 2016.


For those that are unaware they have yet to release them. They are a rather hard company to get a response from. The best way I have found is to contact them via facebook and they will only say "soon".

I have talked with LFS owners from around the nation and point blank they too feel like it's gotten ridiculous. Thing is while many of us use other brands the Orbit IC does have a strong footprint in market shares. Their marketing campaign is very strong in LFS having set up demos and displays for their products. Also websites like marine depot, Dr foster and smith, and saltwateraquariums.com push them rather heavily.

So at what point do we call shenanigans as the life of the product is unproven and i'm sure some people have had their product fail in the time frame waiting on this product clearly advertised. I think in this day in age well over a year is more than enough time to release a feature that was advertised on the box.

My personal investment in this product was over $1,000 +

Here is their website clearly showing the bluetooth logo. https://current-usa.com/loop/orbit-ic-led-aquarium-light/

The included LOOP® controller with wireless IR remote simultaneously controls both your LED lights and wave pumps, providing features you can use right away. When you’re ready for more, upgrade LOOP® to Bluetooth and download the LOOP® APP to experience everything (and more) on your mobile device."

I feel like for myself and many others they used false advertising plain and simple.

At some point the consumer should be able to call shenanigans. They have a huge market share in the saltwater aquarium industry and are heavily pushed by online retailers like but not limited to-



Here is a video of a rep boasting the feature at a trade show in 2016.

and another in 2017

Other company's have also started doing this (looking at you maxspect) and i'm just curious how long you feel we should give a company to deliver on their products advertised features?

Thank you for your time.
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World Wide Corals


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To be fair, while yeah it's messed up with this bluetooth nonsense that will probably never happen, the lights are awesome, I use them for my biocube and I love them. I've actually got to move over to a larger tank soon and won't be able to use them, I've already got a light for the new tank too, little sad about that.


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I am a beta tester for their blue tooth and it works great for small systems. I’m still figuring out how to use it with mine. But all of their new products will run off of the Bluetooth. They are now being sold I think for 49.00 through current which is half off.

It does state that they will be Bluetooth ready, the fact that the devices were already capable wouldn’t be false advertisement. They never said the controller was ready, Fluval, hydra, eco tech, mess I’ll have all done this In some fashion. They go so cats to get the lights out and design right and other equipment, and the controller is usually last. I wish they made the controller first, but we would have nothing to attach it to.

Also if you go with the Bluetooth controller and have the dc return pumps, you will need updated manifolds. These will ship for free if you let current know. As far as response time, email and phone is almost instant with phone, and same day for email. I have spoken with Kevin and Brandon, and they are amazing.

IF you need help with your units please let me know. I didn’t see your post till just now, but also the Bluetooth has only been out maybe 6 months, or a little less, but it is super cool.



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They advertised it a year ago, but isn’t the same thing as what car manufacturers do, medical, electronics companies. It’s not false they are in the works. The Bluetooth was up for sale in February. I was notified of a beta test in December. All I’m saying is, now lol it’s available for you to use and it’s awesome.


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No it's not the same I bought my orbit Ic and it had the bluetooth logo on it over 2 years. The sales person asured me it would have that feature. over 2 years later we finally get it. That is false advertising. If a car manufacturer sold you a car and it didn't work the way they advertised for over 2 years you would be ok with that?? I think you are really confused about the term false advertisment and the fact you brought up a dead post after the product was released months later proves it.

Also I don't think it's great. I too have the bluetooth module now but hate that I lost the remote and display unit and there is no way to turn off the sound short of unplugging the speakers. and the app is buggy to say the least
World Wide Corals
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