Coral disease ID?



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I’ve come across this disease that seems to effect my acans. The first time came across it was when I saw it on part of a coral that just shipped in. The white stuff (the disease) only covered part of it and I figured it was mucus, but the next morning the whole colony was covered and melted later that day. This disease popped up again last week when after I did a water change. I saw it cover one head on one of my acans and immediately took it out and dipped in coral RX and the white stuff blew off in the dip and the coral under was brown and melting. It tried to come back again on the same head and this time I dipped it in a hydrogen peroxide solution. The peroxide seemed to get rid of the rest of it and it’s been clear for ~3 days. The head that was covered died but the rest is recovering well. It didn’t pop up on any other of my acans (yet anyway).

80A32D79-7E41-401E-922C-72DBF7D3FBE0.jpeg BFEE59B5-3F2B-47FD-B564-6CC0D0A2E01C.jpeg


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[HASH=1]#reefsquad[/HASH] thank you


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I’ve come across this disease that seems to effect my acans. The first time came across it was when I saw it on part of a coral that just shipped in. The white stuff (the disease) only covered part of it and I figured it was mucus, but the next morning the whole colony was covered and melted later that day. This disease popped up again last week when after I did a water change. I saw it cover one head on one of my acans and immediately took it out and dipped in coral RX and the white stuff blew off in the dip and the coral under was brown and melting. It tried to come back again on the same head and this time I dipped it in a hydrogen peroxide solution. The peroxide seemed to get rid of the rest of it and it’s been clear for ~3 days. The head that was covered died but the rest is recovering well. It didn’t pop up on any other of my acans (yet anyway).

View attachment 3004235 View attachment 3004236
Probably an issue with your parameters. Also, those aren't acans, they're Dipsastraea.


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Looking at your tank and the amount of algae indicates a water quality issue most likely. Parameters are off which stresses corals and weakens their immune systems making them susceptible to bacteria infection
I’ve been keeping track of my parameters since the tank started with weekly tests in the beginning to watch for stabilization and all the swings that happen with initial tanks. Now that the tank is about 1.5 years I test things monthly unless something looks off. The last year my tank has been stabilizing and has gone through 4-5 different algaes or bacteria blooms. Recently, my nitrates and phosphates have been around 5-15 ppm nitrate and .05-.1 phosphate. I also have a lack of herbivores in the tank (I’ve been working on getting a yellow tang but where it is is still really cold so they can’t ship it) On top of parameters not being super out of wack, all the other coral are happy and growing despite having to fight the algae. One of the coral that had the disease also came with the disease on it but I thought it was mucus from stress from shipping.

My point is, I don’t think it has much to do with the tank and is just a disease I came across like ick. I was wondering if anyone here knew ab it so I could research it, or they had experience with it

nitrate 5-10ppm
Phosphate.05-.1 ppm
Alkalinity- 7.8-9 dKh
Ph- 8.2-8.6
Mag - 1350ppm
Calcium- 480ppm

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8%

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