Coral/Anemone Stingdex? What stings what, what wins, what loses refferal chart.


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I've seen these graphs that show reef tank compatibility between fish in reef aquariums and I was wondering if anyone knows of a similar graph that shows coral/anemone aggression and compatibility that they refer to for a rough idea on what will be say more aggressive than tankmates close-by.
The idea behind this is that you can have a better idea on placement of corals that may succumb to anemone stings, and encrouching coral stings.
Or to tactically place aggressive stinging slow growing species around fast growing species to control their growth or movement.
Be cool to make a massive thread here of what beats what in terms of sting, or even what can grow together and touch without stinging.


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There’s no point in an anemone to coral chart as the anemone will win. As for coral to coral I don’t think it’s that difficult. Keep lps away from other lps and softies away from softies and sps away from lps everything else is fine.


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There’s no point in an anemone to coral chart as the anemone will win. As for coral to coral I don’t think it’s that difficult. Keep lps away from other lps and softies away from softies and sps away from lps everything else is fine.
This honestly explains so much. What about SPS vs Softies like say an encroaching anthilia or xenia on an acropora colony? I'm guessing it all depends on what is more aggressive in terms of chemical warfare but if it's a more broad answer, that's I suppose even better for us atleast as aquarists to feel comfortable with placing something like GSP,Zoas or Softies I shouldn't be specific but near an SPS colony like Acropora or Montipora just to keep it broad, I personally don't know the stereotypical standards of coral aggression as much as I'd like to. SPS beats Softies or vice versa would you know the answer to that is basically the summary of my incessant rambling lol?


Metal Halides Til The End
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This is just my experience but here’s where I see it as a “general rule:”

Anemone kill all but may live more harmoniously with certain softies over LPS and SPS

SPS and SPS - generally fine however you may have minor warfare where they touch and faster growers may eventually overtake slower growers.

SPS and LPS - not a good mix close together. LPS will usually win. Give sufficient space due to sweeper tentacles.

SPS and Softies - generally softies win if they touch, however, if it doesn’t overly stress the SPS, the portions not touched survive and grow.

LPS and LPS - generally give sufficient space between different species unless research has shown they can touch (I.e hammer and frogspawns can generally live harmoniously even touching). Again watch for sweeper tentacles.

LPS and Softies - I don’t have a huge amount of experience with this mix, but based on what I do have, generally they live pretty harmoniously however softies can overtake them due to growth rate.

Softies and Softies - generally can live harmoniously. Again just different growth rates can cause issues.

Again this is just based on my experience. YMMV.