Converting to AF System

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JD Walt

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Hello all,

I'm new to the community. Have been keeping SW tanks for the last several years and have in the last year started adding SPS. I've had success getting some growth but after reading and seeing the tanks that are on AF system, the corals look phenomenal. I've been reading several forum posts and want to make sure I'm following properly.

I've got a 2 Little Fishes phosban reactor and purchased the AF Zeo Mix media along with the NP Pro and the Pro Bio S. I understand there is also Coral A, B, E & V. I've also read that it's best to put NP Pro and Bio S in the morning and alternate the others in the evening.

The biggest concern(s) or issue(s) I've seen folks having is the bacteria stripping the water of the nutrients too quickly or the Alk being too high as the nutrients reduce causing tips to burn.

My questions are, with my 65g set up including sump if I put 1 drop of NP pro and Bio S in for a month or two should that be cautious enough to prevent the water stripping to quickly? Also how quickly are you letting the Alk fall to NSW levels of about 7-8dkh?

Last, when should I begin to add the ABEV supplements?

I've been using Kent products with pretty good success so I'm not sure how this transition will go.

I'm sure I'll have more questions but want to make sure I'm getting this right. Thanks everyone.


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What are you current parameters? Looking for Alk, Ca, Mag, Nitrate and Phosphate.

Depending on where your Alkalinity and Nitrate are at currently you might change the advice you get.


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Hello all,

I'm new to the community. Have been keeping SW tanks for the last several years and have in the last year started adding SPS. I've had success getting some growth but after reading and seeing the tanks that are on AF system, the corals look phenomenal. I've been reading several forum posts and want to make sure I'm following properly.

I've got a 2 Little Fishes phosban reactor and purchased the AF Zeo Mix media along with the NP Pro and the Pro Bio S. I understand there is also Coral A, B, E & V. I've also read that it's best to put NP Pro and Bio S in the morning and alternate the others in the evening.

The biggest concern(s) or issue(s) I've seen folks having is the bacteria stripping the water of the nutrients too quickly or the Alk being too high as the nutrients reduce causing tips to burn.

My questions are, with my 65g set up including sump if I put 1 drop of NP pro and Bio S in for a month or two should that be cautious enough to prevent the water stripping to quickly? Also how quickly are you letting the Alk fall to NSW levels of about 7-8dkh?

Last, when should I begin to add the ABEV supplements?

I've been using Kent products with pretty good success so I'm not sure how this transition will go.

I'm sure I'll have more questions but want to make sure I'm getting this right. Thanks everyone.

Let my try to answer your queries each at a time...

1. Why you bought Zeomix? Is your tank SPS dominated? Are you currently using zeomix from another brand? Zeomix is generally for more of fine tuning the system and pretty dangerous if not handled carefully.

2. Its right to say that overdosing probiotics can strip the water pretty fast but we can help you doing it correctly. But I never heard of high alkali issues in AF tanks as the salt mix itself is 8dkH at max. So, tip burn due to high alk and low nutrient is a bit hard unless you mess up things pretty badly.

3. To start with AF system I generally prefer more conservative method. I started to do 10% water change with AF reef salt for 2 months. I also first added Bio S for 14 days at full strength and then shifted to Pro bio S. I wanted to colonise both step of nitrogen cycle as Pro bio S generally takes care of denitrification. After couple of months I converted to full AF. In your case if you see a drop of Ca/Alk/Mg then you can start using the balling components or else just don't add it. Also until your achieve ULNS or very low NO3 and PO4 level dont dose ABEV as they will bring the nutrient level up.
JD Walt

JD Walt

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Thanks re76, should have put that up the first time.

Currently its:

Alk - 8.4 dKh,
Mag - 1500 ppm,
Calc - 450 ppm,
Phos - .03 ppm,
Nitrate - 15 ppm,
Salinity - 1.027.

Anirban, thank you for your reply as well.

1. My LFS suggested that I use that media. I've got 5 pieces of SPS, looking to add more. I'm currently not using zeomix.

2. That's good to know on the alk/nutrient balance.

3. Did you start adding the Bio S when you began doing the water changes with the AF reef salt? or did you start after the 2 month period?


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Thanks re76, should have put that up the first time.

Currently its:

Alk - 8.4 dKh,
Mag - 1500 ppm,
Calc - 450 ppm,
Phos - .03 ppm,
Nitrate - 15 ppm,
Salinity - 1.027.

Anirban, thank you for your reply as well.

1. My LFS suggested that I use that media. I've got 5 pieces of SPS, looking to add more. I'm currently not using zeomix.

2. That's good to know on the alk/nutrient balance.

3. Did you start adding the Bio S when you began doing the water changes with the AF reef salt? or did you start after the 2 month period?

  1. You don't need Zeolite right now, use it later once you have good control over the system and understand how AF is affecting your system. Zeolite is for expert level users and more of fine tuning.
  2. Start doing the water changes as I suggested and yes you can add bio S with water changes but once you start continue for 14 days and then stop. Then start using Pro bio S and only add bio s when you do water change. You can dose NP Pro all the time as directed.
Try to lower down the NO3 a bit.


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@Anirban, thank you for your help. Once I get it going, I'm going to document the journey as well. Your link in your signature block is very insightful.
I am going to start updating the system very keep an eye.;)

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