Clownfish fin torn by Midas Benny?


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Apr 28, 2021
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Las Vegas
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- 40 Gallon Aquatop cube with added wavemaker

- 1x Midas Blenny (Noodle)
- 1x Clownfish pair
- 1x Sailfin/Algae Blenny (Salarias fasciatus) idk the common name
- various soft corals, mostly frags

Recently my old female clown died from some parasite I believe (after conversing with my local fish store). My other clownfish started to become very lethargic, so I got him a female to go with him. A week after acclimating them together (they were doing really well since the moment I introduced them) the clownfish started to become lethargic again. There were some fish I was waiting to pick up at the store, and was told that the clown just needs to fight it off. I decided that I had the clown for so long, it was okay to switch things up while he wasn't 100% because he always has been strong. I introduced the two blennys and everything seemed to be going fine. The female clownfish kept getting really close to where Noodle was perched on the rock, but they were not nipping at eachother so I thought it was more of an investigation. Today I noticed a cut on the tail fin of the female clown. Its a pretty big chunk. Later that night, I found a cut on her right fin. She has been swimming back and forth accross the front of the tank really fast, leaving the other clownfish (who is still lethargic and pooping stringy chunky poop) alone. Now, Noodle is all up in the clownfishs' space and swims around their corner near my frag rack. I saw Noodle nip at the female clown once.

As a side note: I lost a fish somewhere in my tank. it was a tiger watchman goby. No idea where it went I haven't seen it for two weeks.


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Aug 11, 2013
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Wisconsin - Florida delayed due 2 hurricane damage
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Clowns fight - it’s their nature and female generally the aggressor
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