Clown Tang tank size question:


Jon Fishman

Cleveland Ohio, buy/sell local!
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Feb 18, 2019
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Sorry for 'another' Tang thread, but I'm looking to add 2 tangs to my tank (as per a previous topic I started) and I am just going through online resources and writing down the types of tangs, and tank size required for each (I know these aren't absolutes, but it helps to immediately have me not consider something like a Vlamingi etc. that I have no idea about.)

Either way, I started on LA and was jotting down notes, and came to the Clown tang... WOW that is nice looking..... Oh.... 250g min. tank size.... next.... so I'm done with what is listed under a basic "Tang" search on LA, so I go to the next google hit.... Salwaterfish has the Clown tang.... I already skipped Yellow etc. because I jotted them down from LA, but I click on it anyways..... 90g min. tank size? LA says they get like 1.5' long...... so no way in a 90, or is LA incorrect on that part? Heck, the description tells you they need a "60" and there is NO WAY that can be right..... heck no tang I've ever seen should be in a 60!

EDIT: More googling.... haha.... Clown tangs need 250+ plain and simple...... what the heck is this other site doing!?!? Most of their listings are geared towards "sure this fish will be fine for you"

Ugh.... who is a trusted source?!?!?!?
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