Clean ickless tank


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I been struggling to have a ick less tank since January, I know the Symptoms scratching on the rocks due to parasites on their skin therefore I got a 71 gal tank keep them in qt for 80 days with cooper power June 1st I put them I see little dots on am 3 dots they’re not scratching on the rocks question is can it be ick

E036E2EA-D30A-4055-AD63-3F49B32CB04C.jpeg 2351F790-475F-44D7-8211-F49ADA607C94.jpeg

Big G

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Scratching on sand, rocks or equipment can be primarily from a couple of things. Once is ich and the other is flukes.
While your fish is in copper treatment, you can do a Freshwater dip to check for flukes. The dip would remove many of the flukes if they are there and then treatment for them can wait until the copper treatment is completed.

Here's a thread on how to properly do a freshwater dip:



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Scratching on sand, rocks or equipment can be primarily from a couple of things. Once is ich and the other is flukes.
While your fish is in copper treatment, you can do a Freshwater dip to check for flukes. The dip would remove many of the flukes if they are there and then treatment for them can wait until the copper treatment is completed.

Here's a thread on how to properly do a freshwater dip:

it’s been 80 days already tank was running fishless June1st I put them in the display tank freshwater dip will stress them
I already put them in the display tank

question is I see little dots only on purple tang blue tang doesn’t have dots
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walked the sand with the crustaceans
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Can't really tell what's going on from those pics. But if you're seeing just a few small white dots on a tang, it may well be ich/crypto that's survived in the tank even though it was fallow for the recommended time. It does sometimes happen that leaving a tank fallow fails to fully eradicate the parasite. :(


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A few dots on your fish will be ich, but too many spots to count will be brook. You will be the best person to identify which is which because you’re the only one who can see the fish in person.

Either way, FW dips can alleviate fish temporarily from ich if that’s the case. Best thing you can do now is ich management. Healthy fish can 100% fight illness. Your best bet is going to be keeping your fish well fed (more than usual) and giving them time to heal. Check out this thread:

It’s not proven to work. But if you’re willing to try, I’m currently adding Polyplab’s Reef Medic in my tank for ich and all of my fish have definitely shown improvement.
Nutramar Foods


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Can't really tell what's going on from those pics. But if you're seeing just a few small white dots on a tang, it may well be ich/crypto that's survived in the tank even though it was fallow for the recommended time. It does sometimes happen that leaving a tank fallow fails to fully eradicate the parasite. :(

I seen ick which they scratch themselves to the rocks or sand I don’t see any of them

so not sure really what’s going on


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A few dots on your fish will be ich, but too many spots to count will be brook. You will be the best person to identify which is which because you’re the only one who can see the fish in person.

Either way, FW dips can alleviate fish temporarily from ich if that’s the case. Best thing you can do now is ich management. Healthy fish can 100% fight illness. Your best bet is going to be keeping your fish well fed (more than usual) and giving them time to heal. Check out this thread:

It’s not proven to work. But if you’re willing to try, I’m currently adding Polyplab’s Reef Medic in my tank for ich and all of my fish have definitely shown improvement.

Strange thing is I don’t see the dots in the blue tang only the purple on my gem tang I cannot tell so many dots on am
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freshwater dip would you recommend
Sadly, it probably won’t do much. Check out the link posted above to learn more about ich and treatment it’s very helpful!

In my first tank, I had ich and the only one to die was the clown that brought it into the tank. My other fish were a lawnmower blenny, a neon goby, and a melanarus wrasse. In my current tank I never qt new fish, and 10/11 fish purchased were okay. I’m currently treating a 2 halichores wrasses, 2 lyretails, a blue damsel, a maroon clown, a neon dottyback, a lawnmower blenny and a royal gramma. Sadly, my clown goby didn’t make it. But he got stuck in the overflow, wasn’t eating much and the additional stress didn’t help. Regardless, everyone else is making a smooth recovery with the Polyplab’s Reef Medic. It’s been a slow recovery, but a recovery nonetheless. Oddly enough, the lyretails are really the ones taking it the hardest :(

Side-Bar: I bought the Royal Gramma from WWC and unfortunately, he was the one to bring ick into the tank. Poor baby had flukes and ick. He’s recovered a lot, and come a long way! But it still sucks that such a well known store has such low care for their livestock.
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World Wide Corals

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

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  • 2 to 4 heads.

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  • 5 heads or more.

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  • Full colony.

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