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Jun 19, 2020
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After doing a decent amount of research the past few days, I came to realize that running a new canister filter on my tank has seemingly led to nitrate issues. There are only 2 clowns and 1 small blenny in tank, yet nitrates have been an issue. I was unaware that many people label canisters as nitrate factories in the saltwater community. I plan on returning it and changing to an alternative. Regretfully, a sump is not feasible as I simply cannot fit anything under my stand. I do have an Aquamaxx 1.5 HOB skimmer arriving tomorrow. I have considered installing a hob refugium (preferably) or a hob filter (last resort) and running whichever alongside the skimmer. Would that work? Any possibility I could solely run the skimmer? My guess is that hob refugium and skimmer would work but just want some more experienced opinions. Have never run a refugium before, so would need some advice. Tank is 37g, currently FOWLR but was hoping to get into some beginner lps corals eventually.
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Nutramar Foods

Luke’s reef

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Jun 28, 2020
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Good morning, in my experience canister filters work well in salt water aquariums depending how they are used and what media you put in them.

I would personally just use media that helps increases your overall bacteria population like ceramic rings, bio pellets and things like that. They are commonly referred to as nitrate factories because of the sponges needing constant cleaning to work efficiently, so i would remove all but the first layer of foam just to trap the dirt before it gets to the rest of the layers. You should be ok as long as you develop/have sufficient surface area and bacteria to support your current tank and livestock.

Also using a hang on refugium on simple hang on filter will also help keep everything under control, but remember what ever you decide to do must be done slowly and not all at the same time as it could cause a swing in parameters and shock you fish ect. So start with changing the media in your canister and add live bacteria and go from therez

Spare time

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Apr 12, 2019
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Nitrate factory is more of a myth. Every surface with nitrifying bacteria is a nitrate factory. The problem comes form it being difficult clean out the mechanical filter frequently in those canisters compared to a filter sock. You could always get a nitrate pad in there or just clean the mechanical filter frequently and your problem is solved. You can also put purigen and other medias in. However, a hob isn't a bad. Your hob skimmer is good for preventing nitrates but hob filters and canisters are good for getting particulates and placing media to remove phosphates and what not. A HOB refugium such as one from fijicube would be excellent if you get a proper spectrum light with a strong par output and can be a great solution to nitrates and phosphates.


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Jun 19, 2020
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I have to be honest this canister is a pain to clean and it is tough to find the time to do so every few days. I do have a hob filter sitting in my room that I felt was much more convenient. I figured I would return the canister while I still can. I actually have a pad of purigen in the filter currently yet it hasn’t seemed to make a significant difference. If I could operate using my hob filter and my hob skimmer successfully, that would be the most economical solution for me at the moment. But if a hob refugium is a significant step up in terms of filtration it may be worth looking into. Could I switch back to the hob filter for now? What would be the proper method in doing so?


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Nov 23, 2019
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In my experience with canister filters nitrates weren't really a problem (and shouldn't be anyways unless you plan on running an ultra low nutrient system). In a fully stocked tank (same size as yours) with weekly 5g waterchanges my nitrates were consistently less than 15 even with rare filter cleanings, however phosphates where .6.

If you're worried about nutrient build up a HOB refugium can definitely help, but I believe regular cleaning of a canister filter can help keep nutrients low if that's what you desire.


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Jun 19, 2020
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In my experience with canister filters nitrates weren't really a problem (and shouldn't be anyways unless you plan on running an ultra low nutrient system). In a fully stocked tank (same size as yours) with weekly 5g waterchanges my nitrates were consistently less than 15 even with rare filter cleanings, however phosphates where .6.

If you're worried about nutrient build up a HOB refugium can definitely help, but I believe regular cleaning of a canister filter can help keep nutrients low if that's what you desire.

I still have a few days left that I can return the canister filter, I would use the funds from that to purchase the hob refugium, and run that with the hob skimmer. I suppose I’m just trying to be as efficient as possible while I still have the chance.
Top Shelf Aquatics

lion king

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Jul 3, 2016
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Regugiums are great additions, and will likely cure much of your nitrate ills. Once the organics are in your tank, they are going somewhere, and once broken down to nitrate, that's the end, there is no factory. A refugium will actually consume the nitrates, so a great addition.


why did you put a reef in that
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Dec 9, 2014
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would dirty filter media, or dirty reef socks really matter much in the overall scheme if I can reach in a common sandbed, grab sand, drop it down, and a massive nutrient cloud erupts? what about rocks, if we take anyone's rocks here in a typical sand setup and swish the rocks around mid tank, at night with a flashlight shining in, a massive nutrient cloud comes off.

I know of a few reefs that actually don't have a dirty display, they'd pass those two tests above, true nitrate control.

add bioballs/or a canister filter to their setup, they're still in control by controlling DT waste compounding.

most cant pass the test in the least and have the invasions to show for it.
we're missing the big picture in nitrate control imo.


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Jun 19, 2020
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So I am going to return my canister tomorrow. I just installed my Aquamaxx skimmer today and it is currently breaking in. I am going to order a HOB refugium that should be here in about a week. I plan on running a hob filter until the refugium arrives. What would be the best media to keep in this temporary hob filter? I have some purigen, chemipure blue, carbon, and filter floss sitting around, would that be advisable?
Top Shelf Aquatics

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  • One head is enough to get started.

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