Candy Cane 1 head splitting into 5 possible?


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Sep 15, 2022
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I have a single head Candy Cane coral that's hitting the 1 month mark in my tank.

My wife got it for me and I did not know much about them aside from the fact that they are LPS corals.

It came in with a 1.5inch tall skeleton, and 1 single head. I didn't know that when I was aclimating it, that it was it's skeleton, I thought it was glued onto the skeleton of another coral or something considering it was all white with a little brown portion about .3cm bekow the polyp.

Over the month, the head has gotten pretty large, and the briwn has spread over half of the skeleton downwards. So i figured it was doing very well having had no odea how fast they could regrow tissue.

4 days ago, it looked like it grew a second mouth but I wasn't 100% sure.

2 days ago started elongating and shaping funny like it might be getting ready to split.

Yesterday, i definitely see what looks like 3 new mouths, i thought it was just some artifact of it splitting soon, but I started googling their splitting behaviors. I figured I was mistaken about the mouths since my search revealed that they only seem to split into 2.

Last night, its little sweeper tenticles that were alway on the perimeter, were all over the polyp, maybe 3 or 4 new circles.

Today was feeding day, i put it off a few since I thought I would give it a break while splitting. I drop an lps pellet on it, and I see what looks like 3 mouths opening. Sure enough, 3 mouths. One of the mouths that did not get the pellet opened wide enough to consume an entire one (reef blizzard LPS pellets) so near lights out, i give another pellet to the other mouth, and I see what I think is another mouth attenpting to open that I didn't see before.

At lights out, an hour ago, I take my red flashlight, check tjongs out, and I see 5 distinct rings of sweeper tenticles.

Now I am sure that my candycane is splitting into 5.

BUT what if I am wrong, maybe this thing isn't even a Candy Cane.

I want to know all of your experiences with new colonies of Candy Canes, and see how common what appears to be absolutely stellar growth is.

OR if I am completely wrong about what this thing is.

TLDR: can candycanes split into more than 2 from a single head, or might this be something other than a candycane?

*just now I go to take pictures and it is definitely splitting now*

I cannot get a better picture due to positioning, focus just will not work for me at these angles.

I did try searching more for candycanes that match mine, and while many look similar, mine will at times open flatter than what i can find a picture of, it gets floppy when it opens all the way to being flat.

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Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8%