Title says it all. I came home to find my new banggai cardinal stuck to my ai nero 3 powerhead. It had an anemone guard, so it didn't get sucked in all the way. I don't know if it got sucked in and then injured or if it was already not able to swim. All I know is that I've had it for 3 days and it was eating and swimming fine about 2 hours ago, before I left. It's still breathing and tried to swim away when I pulled it off the powerhead, but it isn't able to stay upright or stay swimming. I have it in an acclimation box now because the hermit crabs were making me nervious and I've cut the tank lights to give it a chance to calm down. What else can I do to help it? There isn't any significant physical damage that I can see at least, other than some mildly tattered fins.