I have 550 gallons and heavy coral stock. Running 2 part at 700mls ALK and 9k mls of kalkwasser. I went onto BRS to see the calculator for the conversion from 2 part to calcium reactor and it said I need 33 DKH out of affluent and 120 ml/min flow from my kamoer. I have the 120 set, but when I get to 6.5 in my reactor, the DKH is 21. Running reborn 2 little fishes media. To get this tuned in, I’m not setting a high and low on my apex. I’m going off the continuous drips and my ph says it 6.5 and everything says don’t go below 6.5 or you will melt the media. I feel like I need to go down a lot to get to 33 DKH for my system. Any thoughts