I have a couple frogspawn that haven’t been doing well. I’ve noticed what I think are some kind of burrowing worm, but I can’t find any info on it. I see lots of posts discussing burrowing spionid worms in SPS, but nothing about euphyllia. I do have a couple SPS frags with those, but what is on my frog spawn look a little different. They don’t have any kind of “base” like I see in photos on SPS, it’s just 2 little tentacles (looks like little hairs) coming out of the stalks of the coral. Has anyone seen this before? Is it the same type of worm that plagues SPS? Is there any type of treatment for this? I haven’t dipped them for pests, they are currently getting a KFC dip for the receding flesh. I have Coral Revive and CoralRx on hand, but thought I might try Bayer that I hear people talk about. Thanks for the help!