I run a 5 gallon PICO tank that until yesterday had no fish. I also feed phyto daily, so there has always been an abundance of wee beasties that have fascinated me. Most I've been able to identify (copepods, amphipods, munnid isopods, spinoid worms, spirorbid worms). However, there have been some worms with a single tentacle that I've been unable to identify, and today I noticed a new 'bug' that looks like a solid white copepod to the naked eye, but very different under a microscope. I've named the below pictures "worm" and "tick" until I can identify. Any help that people can provide, or a link to resources to help identify?
I run a 5 gallon PICO tank that until yesterday had no fish. I also feed phyto daily, so there has always been an abundance of wee beasties that have fascinated me. Most I've been able to identify (copepods, amphipods, munnid isopods, spinoid worms, spirorbid worms). However, there have been some worms with a single tentacle that I've been unable to identify, and today I noticed a new 'bug' that looks like a solid white copepod to the naked eye, but very different under a microscope. I've named the below pictures "worm" and "tick" until I can identify. Any help that people can provide, or a link to resources to help identify?