bubble tip nem shrunk over night


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Have a bubble tip green that over night shrunk to under 10% of its normal size normally hes massive probably 4 inches of tentacles and 8 inches across but I woke up this morning and he was like that he’s been in the tank for around two weeks and tank is about 6 months old at this point. Parameters are as follows: ph-8.1-ammonia-0-nitrite-0-nitrate-20-phosphate-0.01-alk is at 8 and temp is 76 stable at that temp. no tank mates are messing with it as the clowns are the only ones in there and they are captive bred so they won’t host it at all. my wave maker did turn off last night and when I turned it back on this morning it instantly started perking up again slightly but couldn’t stay around to find out if it is full yet again. Running a nicrew 50 watt on 45% blue and 0% white for half the day and 5% for the other half of the day on a 8 hour schedule. The nem was guarding his mouth and almost in the form of a upside down bell, he’s still sticking and is reactive to feeding but just held the krill then released it 5 or so minutes later. sorry I couldn’t get a picture but was in a rush and didn’t think to make this post until I was at work. I feed it every Wednesday and Sunday but forgot to feed it this last Saturday. I’ve read nems do this when pooping but it was not expelling anything at all, no white mucus or brown mucus or anything. but to recap the best description of the nem I can give for a mental image it was guarding its mouth still it’s tentacles and overall body were about 10% of the size in a bellish shape still reactive lost it’s bright green color slightly to a more purplish green color and isn’t secreting mucus of any kind. I also moved it about a week ago to another corner of the tank and it could be possible it was not receiving enough light at that end of the tank, so I moved it back to the dead center of the tank where lighting is strongest.
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His Coral Highness

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I don't think you're supposed to move nems, I think they will position themselves where they like it best. I'd would just let it pick a spot and leave it. Your params look fine I'd wait this out a few days before hitting the panic button


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I don't think you're supposed to move nems, I think they will position themselves where they like it best. I'd would just let it pick a spot and leave it. Your params look fine I'd wait this out a few days before hitting the panic button
came back home and its fine now, i think my anemone was just poopin and i didnt realize it and freaked out lol. oh and hey im from columbia sc but originally from myrtle!

His Coral Highness

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came back home and its fine now, i think my anemone was just poopin and i didnt realize it and freaked out lol. oh and hey im from columbia sc but originally from myrtle!
Glad to hear! and that's awesome SC is a great place. Any good LFS in the Columbia area?
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His Coral Highness

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There is fishy buisness which claims “biggest fish store in sc” and palmetto reef which has insane deals on coral.
Good to know! I'm sure I will be in Columbia in the next few years (or maybe by football season). If you're ever in CHS check out Ocean Realms, Aquaman's Coral Cave, or Tideline Aquatics!

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8%