I've got a BRS RODI unit. I'm due to change my membrane and filters and I was reading into SpectraPure's 90 GPD and changing my flow restrictor. I noticed on the spectrapure membrane instructions it advises to change the flow restrictor every time the membrane is changed. It got me wondering if I was supposed to be doing this with the BRS manual flush valve with build in flow restrictor? I've never done it.
Also, does anyone know if I'm able to swap the flow restrictor out inside the flush valve or do I need to buy/size a whole new flush valve? My thought was I could remove the restrictor in the flush valve and proceed to follow Spectrapure's instructions installing their flow restrictor.
Also, does anyone know if I'm able to swap the flow restrictor out inside the flush valve or do I need to buy/size a whole new flush valve? My thought was I could remove the restrictor in the flush valve and proceed to follow Spectrapure's instructions installing their flow restrictor.