Brightwell FaStart-M have an ammonia source in it?


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Aug 2, 2024
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Prosper, TX
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I started my 10 cube a few days ago. I used Tropic Marine Pro Reef salt mixed to 35ppt. Dry rock with a 5lb bag of the CaribSea Ocean Direct live sand. No lights, no fish, just patiently waiting lol.

I’m adding Brightwell Microbactor 7 and FaStart-M with no fish, just the “live” sand. I’m just watching free ammonia with one of those Seachem monitors. For the first 12-18 hours the ammonia was pretty high, in the alert colors. Then it dropped to the safe. Does the FaStart-M have ammonia in it? It says nitrogen, phosphorus and carbon on the label, nothing about ammonia. It does claim to seed a new tank when used with MB7 though? I just figured I’d see some ammonia, unless it’s not free, which is what the Seachem alert looks for?

I did get some Hanna testers, and my NO3 is 0.2 and my PO4 is 0.15. My dKH tester has old expired regent, but it said 7.3 dKH, so not far from what TM says the Pro Reef should be.

Thanks for any help