Breeding Nerite snails


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Jan 25, 2024
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I can't seem to find an answer to this anywhere so I decided to try and ask here to see if anyone knows the answer.

I havw nerite snails in most of my freshwater tanks, one of the tanks definitely has a female, there are eggs everywhere!! There is a piece of drift wood that she has covered in eggs. There should be 3 snails in this tank, so there is a good chance the eggs have been fertilized. I want to know, will the eggs hatch if they are moved to brackish water? Or do they need to be laid in brackish water?

I'm working on getting a biodiverse tank set up for my Green spotted puffer fish, breeding nerite snails in the tank would make it that much better for him!

Since these fish are taken from the wild, I am doing my best to set this tank up as close to "wild" as possible.

I have brine shrimp in it now, next I'm adding saltwater Gippies, Mollies, and bumblebee Goby's. When the tank is up to full saltwater I'll want to add some clams that will breed at a moderate rate, so recommendations on the variety would be wonderful!!

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