Bleaching Coraline and water parameters


Aaron Davis

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Feb 9, 2017
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Hey all,

My coraline algae that was once purpleish, is now bleaching white or a faded grey. I'm assuming it's my lighting because parts that have less light are still purple. Behind my anemone when it shrinks up, the coraline is still purple behind it. It started with white spots taking over and then the entire live rock bleached out. I did have some exposure to a very small amount of copper in the display. Copper tests show nothing. Also had a little incident with coral dipping a coral in Bayer without diluting it first (totaly idiot I know). Put the coral in the tank and it ended up killing my shrimp and crab because it leeched out the Bayer into the water. That was a while ago. I had done a emergency water change of approximately 75% and I haven't have an issue since. Been running carbon as well. Anyway. Is there any suggestions to getting this coraline algae to come back? I'm also wondering about Eels and water parameters. I've two snowflakes each die on my within a week. The tank has been up and running for approximately 2 years. The eels are the only things that have died on me from unknown causes. I did have an outbreak of ich that killed my flame angel and wrasse. Other than that, the eels' deaths remain a mystery, but I'm wanting to get a Golden Dwarf. I have yet to get a Goby, so my sand bed isn't cleaned thoroughly. Could the sand bed be harboring bacteria that would kill an eel? Detritus maybe?

Aaron Davis

Aaron Davis

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Can't speak to the eels, but I've had coralline die off. Fear not, it will come back when your parameters are back in line and stable. You mentioned lighting as an issue, have you recently changed the lights or increased their output?
I increased the output a bit for some new corals I had placed. Like I said though; there's some vivid purple coraline on pieces of rock that are normally covered by an extended anemone of covered in sand. Parts that get less light are purple still as well. As for the sand, I had kicked some up the other day and I could clearly see some brown cloudiness disperse though the water in that area. Paranoid that maybe it's harboring back bacteria that could kill my livestock, the new eel, or the coraline.

Thanks for the response.
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