Lennon's Reef

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Apr 9, 2020
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I recently got a pink-streaked wrasse (Pseudocheilinops ataenia) from LiveAquaria. The fish arrived covered in small black dots. The dots are tiny (about the size of a grain of sand). I thought it was black ich (caused by turbellarian flatworms) and dosed the QT tank with PraziPro following the dosing instructions. A week later there is no change in the wrasse and the spots are still there. Could I be looking at some other disease/illness here? I haven't done any water changes since dosing the PraziPro, and I'm not running a skimmer, UV, or activated carbon. I attached a photo of my wrasse with its black dots.

I did look at photos of other pink-streaked wrasses on Google Images to see if maybe the spots are normal for this species. There were a few photos of fish that showed the same dots that I'm seeing on my fish, however there were also images of some without the dots.

I appreciate any input you guys may have, and if anyone has experience with this fish please let me know if the spots are normal for this species or not.

Pink Streaked Wrasse 1.jpg Pink Streaked Wrasse 2.JPG Pink Streaked Wrasse 3.jpeg
Lennon's Reef

Lennon's Reef

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Maybe it’s a reaction to stress? No experience with this fish but here’s a bump.
Thanks for the reply! Im not sure if it’s stress; the fish has been in my QT tank for over a week now and seems settled in. He’s eating well and doesn’t hide much anymore. This species does actually have a very alarming-looking stress pattern that takes the form of large red splotches covering its body. I’ve noticed it also takes on this pattern when sleeping. As soon as the lights go on in the morning it changes back to its striped pattern in a matter of a few seconds. I haven’t noticed if the black dots disappear when the fish displays its sleeping pattern though I’ll have to check.
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In all the pics it looks like the dots are in the outline of the yellow stripe. Could just be a pigment variation. Can fish have freckles? ;Hilarious Maybe a reaction to the copper it was housed in with live aquaria? There are a few wrasse experts on here I think. Maybe one of them will have a look
Lennon's Reef

Lennon's Reef

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Yes exactly! I noticed that too. I’m sure any parasite would attach itself indiscriminately and not care about finding a place that best highlights the aesthetics of the fish ;Joyful so I hope you’re right and it is just the fish equivalent of freckles haha

Hopefully someone who is well-read on wrasses will put my mind at ease, as of right now I’m hesitant to move him out of QT ;Nailbiting
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Lennon's Reef

Lennon's Reef

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Any update on yours? I actually had just noticed my pink streak had some black spots, and treated with PraziPro to be safe.

I did some research and couldn’t find any other marine fish diseases that cause black spots aside from turbellarians. The fish has been undergoing treatment with PraziPro for almost two weeks and I haven’t seen any change in the spots. If turbellarians were to blame the PraziPro would certainly have taken care of them by now. I compared photos of the dots from the beginning of treatment to now, and they are all still in the exact same location. There are no new spots that I can see, and none have gone away. I’m almost certain it’s just a strange pattern anomaly. I guess some specimens have it and some don’t.

I would say it’s definitely best practice to be safe rather than sorry though. If I got another pink-streaked wrasse with this patterning I’d still treat with PraziPro regardless. From what I’ve read PraziPro is safe for use even in reef aquariums as long as you don’t have any feather dusters or other ornamental worms.

Good luck with your PSW!
Lennon's Reef

Lennon's Reef

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Almost a week since completing the second treatment. Spots still there, PSW still acting normal. Think it might just be part of somes markings.

Thanks for the update! I have since moved my PSW into my display tank and he seems unchanged. The dots are still there but he is otherwise completely healthy. I’m convinced it is just pigmentation in the fish too; not a disease or parasite


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I know it’s been a while but any update on this? We just got a PSW from LA about two weeks ago and I just noticed tonight the exact same dots that you are describing. It’s currently in an observation qt and I’m trying to decide if I should treat with Prazipro/gc or just continue to watch. Seems completely healthy and comfortable so I’m hesitant to medicate.
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Praziquantel is not very effective against turbellarians. Many times, that issue is self-limiting and goes away on its own, and then people report that the prazi worked! Another possible issue is melanization of the skin as a reaction to digenetic trematodes. These have a secondary host and so also are self-limiting.

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